I guess i'd abort my son in Journal 2022

  • Jan. 21, 2022, 5:32 p.m.
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I thought about something depressing, it’s sad and a bit fucked up.

If I had a son I think I’d be scared and abort them. I would feel like I’d be a failure of a mother being scared of men and how can you raise a boy with that mentality?

So I’d make him go away. But if I where to do that and then get a daughter months later I’d feel bad. And how would people look at me?

But I don’t feel like is be able to do it. I’d be terrified, be scared out of my mind.

Mom today was rude and also she was last night. Paying. Bill now. For her, I feel like I’m drowning. I want to just die die die but I’m mean figuratively maybe.

Miss Chiffs Manager January 21, 2022

I hope that you can find some relief in therapy, soon

HoniBunnyCakey Miss Chiffs Manager ⋅ January 21, 2022

I don't think it will sadly. Nobody knows I was sexually harassed/groomed/abused at all. I find it embarrassing to say in public and I don't wanna be looked at different. So when in therapy I say I just have anxiety.

Miss Chiffs Manager HoniBunnyCakey ⋅ January 26, 2022

well. good luck with that.

Deleted user January 25, 2022

Maybe if you feel that way you should consider not having any children until you work through those issues

LachrymoseBeauty January 25, 2022

I literally just looked back several entries to figure out what you were talking about. I think... you are being honest about what scares you. And also, I'd like to point out that if you really want kids but are scared of having a boy, adoption let's you choose the gender. There's plenty of baby girls up for adoption. Some countries only allow a family to have one child so they adopt out any girls they have going for a boy instead. There are options that can alleviate that fear. Abortion can have long term effects on your body and mind that aren't necessarily something that's gonna help you right now. If you are planning a family it's okay to go looking for exactly what you want.

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