The Last Harrah... in Help Me Please
Revised: 01/10/2022 10:44 a.m.
- Jan. 9, 2022, 3 a.m.
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- Public
Today is hubby’s last day of hos weekend and his last day of holidays till next physical year which I think starts in April then he will pick more. I think he will have two weeks for the year and that is good with me. For some reason he always gets sometime around my birthday which I find kind of cute. Because his attitude is it’s just another day but he chooses to not work that day.
So today is whatever hubby wants day and I will do what he wants except maybe rob a store or do anything else that is illegal.
But I have a feeling whatever happens today will be no different then what the past days have been like so it’s going to be a pretty easy day for both of us.
The one thing I should maybe do is some laundry but then there really isn’t that much to do, but I just want to make sure hubby has clean clothes.
And dinner is going to be a roast beef with roasted potatoes and carrots so that will be a nice change. and hopefully I will start it eary enough where it will be perfect.
Onto something else....
The dam snow is still here I would have thought it would have rained last night but no. I think there is someone somewhere who really hates me and wants me to suffer. I just want this snow to be gone so if I want to go anywhere I don’t have to worry about killing myself too badly.
But so far the temperature is 32 so all it can do is go up to a decent temperature so the snow will melt. I put salt on the sidewalk yesterday so that should help speed the melting process and maybe the snow will be gone faster? One can only hope. Prayer doesn’t seem to work for me and the conversations I do have with the higher power seems to be going on deaf ears because everything is still the same. And I also have no control over most things in this world except for me and I am the only one who can change me or make life different for me.
Onto something else....
Haven’t really talked to my son much I just gave him the phone number to get his booster shot and he said he will be calling today and I also told him to tell his roommate the number also so she can get hers. I am just waiting for this snow to be gone for a while then I will ask my son if he wants to come for dinner and then I will have some other company besides me and hubby. it gets really tiresome when one is talking to themselves all day and reminding themselves of what to do next.
Onto something else....
So the playoffs for the NFL are going to start next week. Who are you hoping will win the super bowl?
And it looks like some hockey teams are suffering through the Covid thing again and they are cancelling their games. I wonder how they will be making up these missed games and if the season will be longer?
I have always said right form the get go of all of this Covid and variant crap that there should be no sports and no restaurants or anything that is not essential just till everyone gets vaccinated and we don’t have to deal with this anymore. And every time a new restriction or a variable of a restriction is said by the top doctors everyone gets into a frenzy and then protests and then even more people get sick. But those who are still not vaccinated are the ones who will be getting the sickest and be the ones who are dead but then that is a lot of people and for sure our population will be a nice size where everyone knows everyone and the ones who are left are the smart ones.
here is a question? How can not getting vaccinated be a personal choice when it effects and affects everyone else? How is that a freedom of choice when the other people around you don’t have the choice? Well they do but they are protected and won’t get as sick or die unless they have underlying issues. But still to expose someone you say you care about is just wrong. How can you just sit and watch someone you love and care about get sicker and sicker because you are leery of what this vaccine will do to you or what it’s in it? I would think that whatever vaccines we have had since we were born is the same stuff or very similar and every year something better comes along and works that much better at preventing the killer diseases like small pox.
But then what do I know I am just a hick for a Canadian so maybe what I think is not really that right or important? I just wish everyone would get vaccinated then we can just do what we want and go where we want. Every time I do go out I wonder if the person I see is vaccinated and if they do wear a mask and wear it properly.
Here is a question for you? Would you ask someone weather you know them or not if they have been double vaccinated and also got their booster just so you feel a bit more safer? There are some people you look at and know that they will hit you up side the head and then there are others who will tell you it’s sometimes hard to tell what they will do so all you can do is hope they are smart enough to follow all the protocols.
Onto something else.....
I just got yet another scam call from this place in the USA.
This is what I see when I looked up the number.
And they try to tell you that your anti virus is expiring and you need to re new it or cancel it and the cost is $300.00 and they need your credit card number.
So I told the guy to fuck off and not call here again so we will see if he actually listens. And I just reported this to the anti fraud people who are actually the police and they will be checking into this and they also are aware of these people. So I feel a bit better but I still don’t want to see their number on my call display. But I was told not to answer the phone and I did do that one time but they just keep calling back so will try again and see.
Onto something else....
Today I need to call hubby’s eye doctor and find out when he can go see the eye doctor and I need to also phone the pharmacy to get some pretty pills and I also want to do a grocery order and have it delivered. So I get to be spending a lot of time on this lap top and on the phone.
Onto something else....
I will stop here and get started on my day....
Do have a great day.....
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe, and Behave.
Last updated January 10, 2022
toddslife ⋅ January 11, 2022 (edited January 11, 2022)
hoping Buffalo bills win the super bowl?