Something New in The Kid Used To Dream

  • Jan. 9, 2022, 7:57 p.m.
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I got the opportunity this week to play drums with one of the best band’s I have ever had the opportunity to sit in with. But - I’m not a drummer. Lol

I started out playing drums when I was 11 years old. I played for about 15 years then started playing piano. I’ve recently felt that my piano playing was getting better than I have ever played - then I get asked to play drums. It’s funny - I’m usually more known as a singer. Here I was playing drums and singing backup vocals.

Honestly, it was refreshing. It was nice holding the best for the band. It was nice being part of a collective group of musicians that were better than good at their craft. I received a message tbjs morning that the band liked me and wanted to include me on some of their future gigs. I don’t think none of them know I have an album release coming up soon. They don’t know I’m working on doing a music video or having a radio single. I sat there on those drums and didn’t get called to the front to sing - and I was good with that. As a matter of fact - I was able to walk out of the venue without having to talk to anyone - while odd - it was refreshing.

If I was a billionaire - I would live incognito. I would not draw attention to myself. I would be fine not being the person everyone wants to sit with, speak to, or kiss up to.

Funny - I already have half that dream.

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