Dear 2022, in And here we go.
- Jan. 5, 2022, 4:17 a.m.
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- Public
I don’t know what to do with you.
I can’t go touring any country because everything’s either closed or way too many restrictions.
I go to the cinema fearing for my life.
I can’t even lounge about with friends and socialize.
I can only read so many books and smoke so many cigars in my house.
I’ve literally memorized the entirety of what Netflix has to offer.
All I want to do is to have a semblance of normalcy back in life.
But oh no, the anti-vaxxer morons refuse to get vaccinated because their ego matters more than the lives of others around them.
Everyone is suddenly an “expert” in medical sciences, vaccinations, immunology and what not.
This will continue because the stupidity of the few will keep harming the majority.
The people responsible for the lockdowns and restrictions the same people that refuse to get vaccinated and then complain about lockdowns and restrictions.
Everyone wants their life back. But your stubbornness and complete ineptitude to understand how anything works continues to ruin everything for everyone.
2022, please send alien over lords, it’s time.
Love you.
Everwake ~
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