Beginning again in A Life Uncommon
- May 20, 2014, 8:50 p.m.
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Took N to the counselling office today. Established goals like: 1) Help N learn some more skills to aid in his impulsiveness/decision making 2) Help me learn coping skills to deal with his outbursts 3) FORWARD MOMENTUM ALWAYS
Preliminary diagnosis ideas are ADHD and ODD. No plans to medicate at this time; but do plan to see the psych because a dx will help us in the school to help him get help there. Discussed a lot of how he really doesn't even need a diagnosis right now, it feels like just a lot of curbing the impulses and defiance issues with better structure and consequences. Complimented my parenting despite the lineage issues.
Sorry broskies, I won't be responding to notes on this. It's not you, it's me being frazzled and over it. I don't know how to respond to any of you, ever. You can't beat a mental disorder out of someone, you can't scare it out of them, and pitying me isn't an effective means of helping him. It just makes me feel worse, because I am not the one struggling through daily life. I might whine a lot, but this is my safe spot to do so.
Poor NICHOLAUS for having to suffer through the last two years while I deny, deny, denied to myself.
Doesn't matter. FORWARD MOMENTUM. Gonna get him help, gonna fight for him, gonna let him blossom again into the awesome kid I know he is.
He might have a THING, but he's still my kid, he's not broken, and we're gonna be just fine. Eventually. With hard work and determination and an epic amount of Excedrine. Let's do this.
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