Wily Cat - Long Memory in Everyday Ramblings

  • Oct. 10, 2021, 2:45 p.m.
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There was much discussion of zinnias on our neighborhood walk today but I think this row of them along this fence line is perfect. We saw our first ripening pomegranates and persimmons of the year as well. And the blueberries across town are turning red faster than over here where it is a bit wetter and with less sun. It was overcast most of the day which brings out the burgeoning fall color.

Yesterday I walked over 10 miles and teaching so many classes now and down at the garden at sunrise I have been a bit of a zombie since I got home. The rain is coming back for a day tomorrow as we fully transition out of summer. It is a relief even though it is getting cold, and I keep wondering what that noise is until I realize it is the heat. I am happy to have it.

I wear my Fitbit when I teach but I prefer to have a hand sized battery-operated clock in sight instead so I can glance at it, and it is less obvious than if I look at my wrist. The clock I have is quiet unless I have my hearing aids in and turned up. I don’t wear my hearing aids to bed, so I don’t hear it and have been using it as an alarm clock for about three years.

Not that I need an alarm clock. I have cats for that.

I received as a vey welcome gift a lovely Bose clock radio about eight years ago. I used to keep it in the kitchen to listen to in there but now I carry my iPad with me all over the apartment. After I got the iPad, I moved the clock radio into the bedroom. At first it was fine but then Carlo figured out that if he hopped on top of it the radio would turn on. He was so proud of himself.

He’d turn it on, I’d turn it off. Turning it on required a response. 4:30 ish AM was his preferred time.

Lately with the new morning class I move the small clock into the area I am teaching, except about half the mornings I forget and then need to go get it. I teach my short classes in a different orientation on a difference device than my longer classes. I move the clock and the lights around.

A couple of days ago I thought I was so clever, I plugged in the clock radio next to my bed and left the small clock out in the living/teaching area. The radio has been sitting unplugged in on top of the file cabinet for all this time.

It has been three years! Within 20 minutes Carlo gleefully hopped up on top of the radio and turned it on. He was ready for his wet food thank you very much. He remembered exactly, not only what to do, but what reaction to expect.

Wily guy.

I need to build a little shelf above it so he can sit on that and not turn the radio on. I do like having the radio nearby even though the iPad is always nearby. Otherwise, I would just use another clock.

These are the deep existential issues a retired person in semi-quarantine deals with. First World problems indeed.

The four rapid, at home, Covid tests I ordered came this week. Very exciting. I am giving two to Kes and Most Honorable. After Writing Life posted the link they must have sold out in a few hours. Like better masks I can’t wait until they become more widely available.

Mrs. and Mr. Sherlock were getting their flu shots today at a big Kaiser vaccination clinic. We drove by there on the way back from our walk to check to make sure they had a wheelchair available for Mr. Sherlock. He can’t stand for more than about seven minutes or so. The place was humming. They were trying to decide if they should get their boosters at the same time.

My recent experience with two sore arms at the same time was instructive. It does kind of mess with your sleep because if you roll over either way…sore arm.

By the way, my request for a discount on the Shingles shot was summarily denied. I don’t think they even tried; the insurance company denied the request as a routine matter. What a waste of my doctor’s time. I will have to pay another $190 for the second shot.

Just think of all the seeds that amount of money would buy.

At least the Covid booster, like the flu shot, will be free. I get that in about 10 days.

Last updated October 10, 2021

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