Interview schminterview. in Hello.

  • May 15, 2014, 1:59 p.m.
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I don't know why I bothered. What a complete waste of time. They were interviewing an internal candidate. Who is already doing the job. In that branch. I found out at the start of the interview from chatting to him and I kind of felt deflated before I even started. I still tried my hardest!

A novel idea they introduced, they told us were were stranded, after a plane crash, on an island covered in dense rain forest. In a group we had to decide, from a list of items, which 7 we were to take with us to survive. It was quite a good laugh and a bit of an ice breaker. We had to read them out to the interviewers and they then told us there was no right or wrong answers, they'd been observing us to test our leadership skills! I thought it was a "getting to know you" exercise! For some reason, the other two candidates kept saying "we decided to go with Sonja's idea of a tarpaulin because...." "we went with Sonja's idea of a compass because..." even though I hadn't chosen them! So it did make me feel a bit chuffed when they said they'd been testing our leadership skills. I can't see me getting the job though. I can't see them getting rid of the lad who's currently doing the job and taking someone new on, especially as I saw a post it on the wall reading "remember to post Joe's new paperwork to HR."

Ah well...

puffin May 15, 2014

Agh internal candidates are so unfair. Introducing the 'you have to advertise externally' rule just ends up wasting people's time a lot of the time! It sounds like you did really well though x

Cinnamon Crisiant May 15, 2014

Ugh. I've been in the same situation - I was waiting for my interview and a girl waiting as well was chatting to other employees as they went past, they were wishing her luck, etc! I felt like walking out before my interview!

~Twinkle~ May 15, 2014

Boo to internal candidates :(

Bomb Shell May 15, 2014

Oh it's so annoying when they do that! They have to advertise it externally even if they've already made a decision. It's not right, it just gets people's hopes up for no reason :o(

Lucretia May 22, 2014

It's all so much rubbish, they have to interview from outside but it makes not the blindest bit of difference. Stupid piece of legislation that just wastes everyone's time :(

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