Count your blessings in My this and that

  • May 15, 2014, 5:09 p.m.
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Today I am thankful for watermelon. I just ate at least four cups of cubed watermelon and it was so delicious. Since I try not to eat refined sugar (or dairy) watermelon is my "summer treat" of choice. Sometimes I treat myself to a dairy free gelati though... but this is my guilt free treat of choice!

Last night Ben got up in the middle of the night. It didn't totally wake me up, though in my sleepy state when I heard him rustling something in the other room I thought he was getting the cheese out of the fridge and making tacos. NO IDEA why I would think he would make tacos in the middle of the night. Turns out the rustling I heard was him getting a halls out of the package in the bathroom.

We were gifted with two tickets to see an early showing of Godzilla last night. What a blessing! We LOVED the movie, each of us said it was better than we expected. So many parts that I just loved so much. And the movie was free! (aside from the food we had to buy since we didn't have time to eat at home before we went to the theatre). What a huge blessing.

Boss is still staying away from the office. I hope he's doing better, I really don't talk to him much, but he did tell me his goal was to be back preaching by June 8th. I think it's a great goal. He'll start back with preaching, and then slowly we will add weddings and funerals back to his schedule, and eventually he will be back in the office, but regular appointments will be the last thing he comes back to. I wonder if there will be more guidelines on how to book his appointments and whatnot to hopefully keep his stress down. In the meantime I've been getting stuff down around the office. A bit of cleanup and whatnot, redoing some filing systems... I kind of like it.

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