• Sept. 20, 2021, 5:53 a.m.
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  • Public

How do it put this with out sounding like nutter

I am so angry with every one and every thing
I cant be bothered with anything at the moment whether that work home family friends hobbies or me
I am bored nothing excites me anymore
Some days i could sit and cry other i could shout and scream
I think people are out to get me or talk behind my back
I feel so out of sorts with myself
There are days i wish i wasn’t here anymore then i wouldn’t have to deal with this shit
I am constantly tired both physically emotionally mentally and spiritually
The only place i want to be right know is in my bed with the covers over my head and shut the world out
I feel like a don’t fit it or belong anywhere
My depression and Anxiety is all over the place
I have to stop myself from either walking out of work throwing a temper tantrum or speaking my mind
I hate myself for feeling like and i hate my life for making me feel this way
I dont want to be t work anymore in fact i dont want to work anymore

But most of all i just wont this stop

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