Wedding type things! (With pictures) in Hello.

  • May 14, 2014, 3:41 p.m.
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I've been without a computer monitor for about a month. While this is normally not such a bad thing, I really don't like doing long entries on here with my Kindle, and I'm yet to figure out how to copy and paste photos from Facebook onto here with it!

Tomorrow I have my interview for the Children's Society assistant manager's job. Eep. John's sat in on some management type interviews before, so I've been picking his brains as to what I should expect. The interview process lasts from 11am to 4pm, with an interview, role play and shop work. I'm confident that I know everything there is to know about the role, after all, I'm already doing the job, just without the title! I'm just dreading the "Give me an example of when you..." type of questions. Plus I need to do a bit of revision into what the company does. I really hope I get this job, working in a place literally 2 minutes from my house will shorten my work week by loads! Plus I won't be forking out on bus fares and petrol money.

Also this weekend I'm going into The Lakes to see about volunteering my services as a guided walk leader. Some of my long term readers may remember the job I had a few summers ago, taking groups of school children on guided walks through forests and sand dunes, giving them talks on ecology, eco systems and red squirrel conservation. Sadly for me, this was only a seasonal job as it could quite easily have been my Forever Job. Doing it voluntarily will get me a big fat foot in the door, I can just see myself trudging up mountains in all weathers and teaching at the same time.

This weekend gone saw my sister in law, Katie, marry one of my oldest friends, Shaun. The planning of it sounded quite shambolic, but when it actually came down to the actual day, it worked really well. Katie and Shaun had already had a low key legal ceremony on the Wednesday, the weekend shenanigans were an opportunity to get friends and family together to watch a ring exchange ceremony conducted by a family friend (who also happened to teach me science/physics at secondary school!) We were to go on the miniature train, quick walk up to the youth hostel to watch the ceremony then a wander down to a nearby pub for a hog roast and lots of music, like a mini festival. There was crafty bits laid on, space hoppers, a piano under a gazebo in a muddy field, lots of hippies, musical instruments and general all round loveliness. In case you can't guess, the theme of the day was hats. Arriving with her dad. They couldn't stop kissing each other, even during the ceremony! Graham, the celebrant/physics teacher, insisted on a photo with all the wedding guests he'd taught! Hugh is wearing a lion hat and standing behind me (with the red hair!), he is a doctor of vulcanology and lecturer at Lancaster Uni, John's brother, Daniel (behind Shaun and wearing the pilgrim hat) got a first in physics from Oxford. Katie looked stunning. :) My girls. Rob. Me with John. The youth hostel where the ceremony took place. Stunning! The miniature train (La'al Ratty, if you're interested!) There was a LOT of dancing.... And the girls met two of their cousins for the very first time! (John and Katie have a sister who was adopted before they were born. John has met her once before, Katie met her for the first time at her wedding!) We were astounded as to the similarity between Eleanor and her cousin, Meg. Meg. Eleanor.

Spooky! Music wise, my favourite band of the evening was the Balkaniks, with which Dr Hugh plays the cello. I hardly stopped dancing to them whilst they were on!

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Deleted user May 15, 2014

Looks Like a lot of fun. How grown up bel is x

~Twinkle~ May 15, 2014

Looks like you all had a fab time. Love the girls dresses! X

Bomb Shell May 15, 2014

You'll get the job, it's exactly what you're already doing, there's no reason why you shouldn't.

I didn't know that Mr. Tomlinson was called Graham! Haha, it seems funny that he conducted the ceremony.

Looks like everyone had a smashing day :o)

Etoile Filante May 15, 2014

Everyone looks so fab in their hats!!! What a fantastic idea!!! xXx

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