Answers to questions in The OpenDiary (OD) Days!
- Aug. 21, 2005, midnight
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answers to questions - 8/21/2005
1) If you were allowed to live anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why
If really don't know where I'd want to live in the world, because I've never been to any other place than my home country, Australia. I love living in Brisbane, but after having come from a farm where I lived for 18 years, I seem to always be on the look-out for bigger things. Currently I am happy living in Brisbane, QLD, but I reckon I also wouldn't mind living in Sydney, but I've yet to visit it, and heard it's expensive. As for in the world, I can only go by what I've heard of places, so that limits me to english speaking countries that I know of. I'm pretty naive about which countries even do besides the obvious one like the USA. Europe looks absolutely beautiful on tv, and I'm only recently discovering that a lot of people over there use english as a secondary language, so if I could get over the language barrier thing, I'd probably choose Sweden or Holland, and if not it'd be probably Califronia, USA, or Sydney Australia. I really can't choose - I don't really like change much, and I love it here in Brisbane at the moment. I do see myself living in Perth, WA one day, but not til I'm much older.
2) what is religion to you? Religion to me - wow, what an incredible question. My whole life, I've been raised as a Christian by my parents. My parents are recently Guideons (the ppl who go around to the schools and hand out those mini-bibles to the high school grades). Of course I had to make my own decisions on what I believed and what I didn't. I've been on Christian camps as both a camper and as a leader, and that camp really changed my life for the better. After the camp I accepted I was gay more, and so my involvement in the church declined a fair bit cos of the criticism involved and also because I always felt unworthy to be within those walls. I've always believed in God and I believe I always will. It's a massive part of me, a huge part of my personal life, and I am happy to admit to anyone that I believe in God. There's various reasons for this, including amazing 'supernatural' things that have happened to me that only God could do, and seeing people speak and interpret in tongues, which I've always believed is pure communication with God. I don't have that gift, but Luke does. I'm not worried though as I always remind myself that God has an awesome plan for my life, and even though I'm gay, I realise that god still loves me. I have faith that he is always there for me no matter what, and that anyone who says otherwise can get fucked. Hebrews 11:1 : Faith is to be sure of things we hope for, to be certain of the things that we cannot see."
3) what is your favorite thing in the universe? (NO. not your PENIS. hmph): well, I was going to haha. My favourite thing in the universe. Very wide-selected question. how do you define 'thing'? Anything I guess? Guess I shouldn't read into it so much. My favourite thing in the universe, well to tell you the truth, the first thing that popped into my head was my best friend Aaron. On second thought, the second thing that popped into my head was...well me, the person I am today, the person I've shaped to become at the ripe ol' age of 21. I'm happy with myself and still believe i'm young enough to explore life and see what it has to offer. Haha, i know what this must sound like, 'i love myself', but no - I think I've gotta be happy with the opportunities in life and I think what this boils down to is this answer. My favourite thing in the universe, is life. The opportunity to see and experience every emotion and feeling and adventure possible all within the body and mind I've been given. Sorry to go all philosophical on you :)
4) what do you think of Canada? What do I think of Canada? haha I've noticed I'm repeating the questions asked of me. Probably to think more about what's being asked. Well, like I said before, I don't know any other countries, but I do have a few people on my msn list whom are from Canada, and at the Christian camp I mentioned earlier, I met a guy who was from Canada. From these experiences and how much they bag out Canada on 'South Park' (don't worry I don't take much notice lol), I've decided I absolutely adore Canada. Any one of my real-life close friends knows that I am a sucker for the Canadian accent. If I hear a cute guy (not quite hot) speak in a Canadian accent, that would push them over the edge into the 'hot' category. I dunno why but I've been fascinated by it. I've learnt over time that Canada is responsible for such singers as Celine Dion, Shania Twain and Jewel Kilshner! I mean, there must be something in the water over there. Then again growing up with the naive stereotype, I always saw Canada as a very cold place, as it's near the arctic and is always snowing (just like I thought Mexico was completely desert with sand and duststorms and those big hats haha) Gosh I've really got a lot to learn about the world, and am thinking I really should have done geography in school, as I feel I would be lot more less stupid haha. So my answer is I love Canada. I answer that from a view only that I know of. I don't know Canada's political view or how they see other countries or what status (I presume very high) it has in the world. All I know is that it's apparently very beautiful scenery and I fall for the accent nearly every time.
5) which one do you like better, shelves or books? Shelves or books? This question I must admit confuses me. I didn't really think the two connected other than one holds the other. Shelves can hold anything, but I would have to choose the books, because you can learn so much more from reading books than yiou can shelves?? conf: haha. Sorry maybe I'm completely missing the point of this last question.
well this was fun :) thanks penfifteen for the questions!
Notes: --------------------------------------------------------------------
Cool! :) [~~PuddleGlum~~] 8/20/2005 10:39:19 PM
lol, the man with the answers!! Canada is beautiful, but it's role on the world stage is very small. OK, you probably really don't care about any of this so I'm gonna go. lol. Take care [C-Dub85] 8/20/2005 10:53:50 PM
I neva been to the land down under. I might have to check it outone day. [VIRGIN GIRL] 8/20/2005 10:57:37 PM
:) [penfifteen] 8/20/2005 11:09:48 PM
Ty 4 yr compliment :) I do like my bright colours. [~~PuddleGlum~~] 8/20/2005 11:09:55 PM
question no 2's answer made me smile. i'm so glad that you feel such a strong sence of purpose with your religion. just don't ever let yourself fall into disliking who you are, you seem to be an amazing person.
[easy, happy, endings] 8/20/2005 11:15:56 PM
HOLLAND! Omg it would be so hot living in amsterdam you could get stoned wherever the hell you want, that's so hot. Sweden is beautiful too and amazing mountains for skiing hell ya! [.Konstantine.] 8/21/2005 12:21:28 AM
Deep, very deep! :O) I'm all out of words these days. [3daygomer] 8/21/2005 12:58:26 AM
Hi Matty it's me Jeffy! If I had the money to put you on the next plane here I would do it. Take a month off and just drive around the country. Heck, you could drive around California for a whole month, there's so much to see and do. You might not want to go back, save for Aaron and Luke. Never too late to start saving your money! If you want to visit you can make it happen! WE can make it happen! [mobyduck] 8/21/2005 1:14:39 AM
Oh by the way it's California, not Califronia. :-P
Love Hugs from me Jeffy! [mobyduck] 8/21/2005 1:15:55 AM
OOo Your welcome love. xoxoxoxoxoxo You are a great person and I wished I lived where you are. Naybe people would accept me there. :) Email me [Xi'a] [p] 8/21/2005 1:41:49 AM
What do they call money out there? [Xi'a] 8/21/2005 1:43:21 AM
That is sweet that you mentioned your friend Aaron as the first thing you thought of when asked what your favorite thing in the world was. It was even sweeter when you then went on to decide it was you! Great entry, Matt. Happy Saturday. [pizzaguy184] 8/21/2005 3:01:49 AM
You choose books... so you would have a pile of books and no place to put them?... are you a messy person? [Archer_Mage] 8/21/2005 3:12:16 AM
hey hope you dont mind me leaving a note. i liked this entry alot, i like the way you look at things. very interesting....well im about to get to bed, i just started a diary so i hope you would be so kind and to just maybe note or at least take a look. thanks! :~) [PetiteAnge] 8/21/2005 4:25:29 AM
H'm, veeeery interesting. :D
RYN: hugs That's so sweet of you to say. I'm gunna have to say the same goes for you, too. You're SUCH an awesome peson.
And sigh, unfortunately, the ass thing is true. It's like... bah. [Ness Macabre] 8/21/2005 5:41:13 AM
Your answer to question 3 really touched me. That's why I love to read your diary, the honesty that is contained within these pages is just so powerful. All too often people will withhold their true emotions, and their beliefs. Reading what you write is truly amazing. You are who you are, and the person you are is here for us to see and admire. Thank you Matt :)
RYN: Thanks :) Cheered me up! [Sole Doubt] 8/21/2005 8:12:06 AM
canada is definitely the better america! :-) [Prince Zidane] 8/21/2005 3:16:35 PM
those are difficult questions [HotGayBoy80] 8/21/2005 6:33:50 PM
♥ [~Tiffany~] 8/21/2005 6:54:47 PM
I have always wanted to go to Australia. And yes the gray are places I have not been and the Blue are places I have been. [Love,Monica] 8/21/2005 8:23:14 PM
And America is beautiful except California is way too crowded and polluted. [Love,Monica] 8/21/2005 8:23:55 PM
YEAAAA GO CANADA :) and totally love AUSSIE accents! yeaaa baby. lol. xox
[[disco-lemonade]] 8/21/2005 9:28:49 PM
Thanks alot. I was gonna put another one on there. You so would like it. I'll do it when I get tired of this one. [SEPIA EMISSION] 8/21/2005 10:40:49 PM
shudders at the thought of Canada [Rachel Erin] 8/21/2005 10:45:54 PM
you're adorable, you know that? i usually go by ryan. but feel free to name your kid after me. or better yet, write an entry about me. :-)
[Prince Zidane] [p] 8/21/2005 11:19:13 PM
thank you cousre it will i am just spooked by his notes got over it though he is thousands of miles away so he cant hurt me rite . see ya [sfdf] 8/22/2005 2:52:29 AM
Wonderful answers Matt. BTW Canada also passed legislation in Toronto I believe to legalize gay marriage so theres a big plus for them. Its hard to form an opinion about a place that has so many negative stereotypes put out about them. Movies, Cartoons, etc. Anyway, loved the entry, and Jake says thank you for the happy birthday.
[GardenBoi] 8/22/2005 6:00:43 AM
Why isnt your favorite thing in the Universe your penis. lol jk its not mine either but its up there lol well and i mean my penis not yours lol well for my favorite thing in the Universe lol. TTYL
Randall [MplsGayboy1985] 8/22/2005 5:08:32 PM
added u. (got a request).
[.unknown.] [p] 8/22/2005 8:14:58 PM
YEH!!! Woohoo Canada! I love Australia. We have an Aussie exchange guy at work who convinced me to go cliff diving with him last month. It was hella tight! Those crazy Aussies and their hot accents. ;) Get interview, btw. [klevor] 9/1/2005 12:29:32 PM
Last updated May 13, 2014
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