Fuck QLD Health in Political shit

  • Aug. 22, 2021, 1:57 a.m.
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I haven’t been good mentally. Scarily serious depression yesterday. It’s ironic being in an east-coast state not in lockdown, but it’s been brought on by being disheartened at not being able to get my vaccine invitation. I’m pissed at the governments (state and federal) and I’m terrified at the thought of being a sitting duck with the Delta varient running rampant in our neighbouring state 🦆
Our chief health minister has said, and I quote, “The virus will breach our border.” They can’t hold it out forever, even with the army now supporting the police at the checkpoints.

Also, I don’t appreciate ignorant comments to me to “Just get the jab.” I’m not in America where vaccines are just being fucking thrown away. I’m just a guy wanting to do his part, who is following and trying to follow the protocols and the health advice, registered months ago (twice now) to receive my invitation, and I simply have not been fucking contacted. I even know I’m in their system as Brandè asked them if they could transfer their cancelled appointment to me. The lady said no, but did say I’m registered but have yet to be sent an invite to book.
Fuck everyone.
I spent most of yesterday in tears, looking at my 18th floor balcony railing, slightly considering. It’s terrifying that that thought crosses my brain so easily. I’m too wussy to do anything that dramatic but it’s scary knowing I have that option living so high. It’s a ping-pong game in my head, trying to calm myself that I just need to be patient and wait my turn - and knowing that I could contract Delta and hopefully not suffer and die.

Every single fucking day, our Premier is a broken record - “Get vaccinated!” and every day I’m mentally (and even sometimes out loud) yelling at the screen, “I’m fucking TRYING you bitch!”
Also every day, the media is saying, “If you’re thinking about walking in, don’t bother.”

Friday after work I went to dinner with Moe and Steve, you know, since everything is open for business as usual here. Steve managed to piss me off. He was talking about needing hearing aids and said to Moe that he could hear Moe talk easily, but he could never hear me.
I said, “I’m a quiet person,” but in my head I’m like, “I can never get a word in around you anyway cos you never shut up”, which is true. He constantly goes on about his cat and brings everything back to him. Whereas Moe will actually ask me stuff. Mind you, Steve says this to me whilst we’re in a crowded outdoor area and I’m sitting the furthest away, cos you know, social distancing. He must lip-read a lot too, since we are still wearing masks indoors for another week, plus we went to Little Singapore, which has horrible acoustics. Anyway, he’s made me not want to hang out with him next time. It was just us three, as the recently engaged Luke and Rhys are social butterflies would couldn’t make it.
Steve also got his invitation whilst we were chatting. Of course he did 🙄

Then yesterday, James registered AND received his invite AND jab within a course of three hours. Then he keeps messaging me asking if I got my invite 🙄🤬

Meanwhile, I’m hunting both my email addresses and junk inboxes and only seeing my confirmation of registration -(not the fucking invite) - (the second time) which was on July 2nd 🤬🤬🤬

I saw there was one appointment available at a nearby clinic so of course I booked it. You know, until I got to the questionnaire and saw the screen saying I’m not yet eligible for it. FUCK! Because GPs are federal and they mustn’t have updated. I AM fucking eligible! It has been this bullshit constantly for the past two months. I am having ZERO luck.

And don’t even get me started on there being another protest yesterday. Sydney and Melbourne I can be annoyed about but at least understand but there was little reason for 3000+ people to show up in my city when we’re pretty much normal, at least for now. And of course any of those could unknowingly have Delta but of course these aren’t the types of people who would go and get tested (probably).

I’m going to head down to the vaccination hub this afternoon out out of sheer desperation and word-of-mouth that they are accepting walk-ins to use up open vials that some people didn’t show up for. It’s all I have to go on. I know I will burst into tears when/if they turn me away.

Again, fuck everyone.

Last updated August 22, 2021

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