New normal? in Stuff
- Aug. 18, 2021, 3:19 a.m.
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So sad seeing what’s happening in Afghanistan. Why would you hang to the outside of a plane!? Man, that’s sheer desperation. Incredibly sad. Australia is trying to get three planes in but are waiting for safe passage, last I heard. Incredible times.
I’d be very surprised if the Taliban were telling the truth about letting women have rights.
I guess big news like this takes the focus off Delta for a while. Apparently Lambda is in The Philippines at the moment. Great! 😅
So here, NSW is out of control with cases. My state is on their border and is somehow doing well, currently with a few donut days and isolation cases, which means most people are doing the right thing. It’s only going to take one selfish cunt to undo everything though, so it’s really a waiting game. And we all know Sydney people have a selfish reputation in general. Prove me wrong.
My state is currently closed to every state except Western Australia (who need a first-hand proof to even enter now), Tasmania and I think as of this week, South Australia.
We’re even removing masks from Friday, but indoors will remain. I assume this is the new normal now?
I still can’t get vaccinated, and even when I somehow will be able to, I’ll be waiting until probably November. It’s scary. Working in a place where people don’t always check in or wear masks. I only have my mask protecting me from (and it may be dramatic but true) possible death. If I stop writing, you can assume the worst. I think our Prime Minister should be charged with manslaughter, personally. I’m just angry, waiting so long, willingly wanting to get vaccinated, while people in the USA can’t even give them away.
Brandè has been really nice. He had to cancel his appointment as he’s already had a first jab, and tried to get his cancellation passed on to me. But alas, he wasn’t allowed to. He did however find out that I am in fact registered in their system, but haven’t yet been sent an invitation. No shit lol. I’ve been checking my email and spam each day, the Hotdoc app to see if my GP has gotten any in (nope) and Reddit threads to see if anywhere is doing walk-ins. No luck anywhere.
I just have to be thankful my state is doing well and that I don’t live in NSW. I just have to wait for QLD Health to get their fucking act together. Although if I did live in NSW, I probably would have had a jab by now, since they are obviously hogging them all.
There’s more protests this weekend from the anti-maskers/anti-vaxxers. I like that they are sticking up for a normal life, but I’d be more inclined to believe them if people weren’t fucking DYING every day. And you know, Polio.
The Sydney one will be interesting. The police have said not to attend 😅 Yeah right. They had over 600 cases and three deaths today. Police are manning our border and must be doing a good job. Even essential workers can’t cross over now, which is making things interesting for border communities and schools.
I visited Vish and James on Monday. They were arguing as usual. How the hell they haven’t run out of things to argue about after 8 years together is beyond me lol. Either way, I hadn’t seen them in ages due to various in-and-out lockdowns and travel restrictions. James has new hair. It looks good! He was sick of going bald.
Restrictions were meant to end on Sunday but have been brought forward to Friday. We’ll see how long it lasts 😅
New Zealand had 1 positive case yesterday and locked down the ENTIRE COUNTRY! Not just an LGA where the case was. A two-island country 😅 Now that is hard and fast. Probably why they are the envy of the world. Well, except the anti-vaxxers.
I’ve just been working a lot otherwise. We’ve had wages from all the panic-buying. I even did an extra shift today. Didn’t get paid right last week though. Apparently a glitch in the system which is meant to be fixed today. Nothing yet though!
I did get my tax return though, so that’s something. I still have this weekend off on leave, as dad’s birthday celebration has been called off and it was easier to keep the leave, so I might look at doing something. Obviously won’t be Sydney.
Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ August 18, 2021
I'm in Canada and was vaccinated monthes ago. Why are you not able to get the vaccine? I'd be mad.
Although I've heard 3rd world won't be vaccinated until 2024.
KissOfLife! Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ August 18, 2021
A combination of not being eligible yet and not enough supply of Pfizer. Moderna still isn't approved either.
Sleepy-Eyed John KissOfLife! ⋅ August 18, 2021
Hmmm. Lame.
whowhatwhere ⋅ August 18, 2021
I’m glad I can read some real 1st person right there account of what’s going on. Last I read you are all locked down right and can’t go more than 5kms from your house and it’s crazy because there are hardly any cases. Though maybe that’s NSW and the news is reporting like it’s the whole country.
KissOfLife! whowhatwhere ⋅ August 18, 2021
That's just Sydney. They aren't meant to go more than 5km from their home but they are anyway, which is why they are out of control. Police and army are trying to enforce it now.
My state is all open, just masks, and even those might be lifted by the end of the month, depending how things are.
s.q.u.e.a.k ⋅ August 18, 2021
I'm so sad for all of this. What is the world coming to? 😔
~Octopussy~ ⋅ August 24, 2021
Absolute insanity, my friend.