Cannibis oil in Aftermath
- Aug. 3, 2021, 7:38 p.m.
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So I just ordered some food it was pretty good it wasn’t a lot but it did really fill me up cuz I don’t eat much anyways lately. Hot weather never makes me really want to eat too much.
I feel like I spend so much money today I had to go get more cannabis oil because I lost the cannabis oil I had or maybe I finished it I don’t know I guess I get too high LOL. I hope that the I find it later on so that I have to buy another one when this one runs out that would be amazing.
Anyways I called someone for an appointment tomorrow for a viewing she seemed nice but she doesn’t know anything about my situation yet so kind of worried about that about dodging questions and all that I asked my mom if she can come with me and kind of begrudgingly so I don’t really know she didn’t give me too much of an answer so she’s not really that happy about it I can tell but she might reschedule on me hopefully not.
But T said that she would go with me or R(the Housing workers at the center) so we’ll see maybe it’s better to go with them but I know that I’m leaving my ovulation soon so we will see they might be better to advocate in person but I’m not sure.
Anyways I don’t think they’d want to advocating person I can just say that I can just hear them just saying well probably just wait back and then advocate later cuz I don’t know I can just see them saying that but anyways…lol
I called another place they’re going to give me a free online virtual tour but I did like the sounds of them they’re too professional and very impersonal like I don’t feel like I can trust what they’re saying this other one sound better Pam but I don’t trust anyone especially cuz I know a Pam so I guess I’m namist ,,so but it’s better to talk to one person one on one then it is to talk to someone in a call center
Anyways pretty full right now I don’t know what I’m going to do maybe some like video tarot reading. I kind of get a ranted but I deleted that and I kept up this other one you know talking about how I felt but probably take that down at one point who knows I’m tracking my journey one day and I tell myself everyday I’m going to delete it and rebrand myself completely or disappear off the face of the Earth but I don’t know I’m doing the best that I
So I have to be get ready for tomorrow it’s in the afternoon which is good I should be in a good place hopefully think I have enough Ativan to make me calm and I’ll take some of this cannabis oil
Anyways yeah it’s fun learning about astrology on tiktok I want to learn more so I can start reading people’s charts because people are really getting into this s and if I have the time to study it then I can hopefully make some f*** bank on it hopefully
I don’t know I’m just worried about stuff though you know I’m trying not to feel like the government’s more powerful than me I feel I hope the government just goes down and something new comes out because this ODSP this Doug Ford can we not get him fired and get NDP in there or something at least you know the best of the worst?
the guy Doug Ford is planning on trying to streamline on espnow which in Canada is you know welfare or you know disability payments which I’m on and I get you know medical Care from that and if he wants to try to force people to get jobs we may lose our medical benefits and then be basically what indentured servants most of us cannot work and to be forced to work and do menial things that we don’t want to do and then we can’t do and even the chance how are we even supposed to get jobs you know are they going to threaten to cut us off for that reason.
I have my business and I’m not reporting my earnings most of it’s tips anyways and I don’t make I don’t think more than $200 basically if you make more than $200 they take a dollar off every dollar you make so then if I you know me and Tarot reader it’s hard because I don’t make consistent money every month I don’t have consistent clients every week to you know be able to take that claw back for the next month so it’s better if I just don’t don’t report it right now it’s not much but I don’t know I don’t really need to report it unless it’s over 200 anyways I don’t think I think they give you $100 benefit if you make over $200 or something or I forget it just make it so confusing but it’s not going to be the system’s broken it’s been broken for a long time it’s messed up what’s going on right now with everything it’s just getting worse and it’s because of this Doug Ford character he’s a sociopathic idiot.
He needs to be stopped. I’m very concerned for myself but most of all the people that I love and care about within my community you know they don’t deserve to be treated like inhumane people because they didn’t have the luck to be able to be productive in this grueling capitalist society that is so extremely individualistic cruel and cold to the point that people are just really willing to justify not helping people that are homeless in the tense in Toronto and people on the streets and what they’re doing you know with us indigenous people and Canada is paying an American company right now to Canada’s paid the police to terrorize the water protectors of the protesters right now so they can put this pipeline through indigenous land they’re wild rice land that they came for food and sustenance is being taken away from them and desecrated without permission illegally and no one’s doing anything so what is what is the law mean when the police break the law and nothing happens to them they’re not above the law covid brings the crack out of everything right now but it’s no excuse for people to act more inhumane and get away with it and that’s exactly what I feel like they’re doing.
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