A Childhood Dream Come True in The Kid Used To Dream

  • July 26, 2021, 5:13 p.m.
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I recently agreed to act in a community theater play as a fundraiser for a church. I had the most amazing time! It was a lot of work but it was over before I was ready for it to be over. I have only acted in one other community play a few years ago - and this one makes the 2nd. However, I have done some improvised comedy that is unscripted for them for the past few years, but this is different. I love the art of working with other actors and feeding off of their energy.

I wished that there would have been a theater club when I was in high school. I would have probably taken it up in college as well had I had the opportunity. I have always dreamed of acting and part in the process of putting on a production. This past weekend was like a dream come true for me. I hope this isn’t a bucket list cross out that I’ll never get to do it again. I hope that even though I am a bit older than most folks care to work with - I’m still young enough to have enough energy and creativity to help tell a story.

The entire process has almost made me want to write short stories or a screen play of my own. I’ve had a ton of ideas over the years and have never thought of writing them into story form or a screen play - I probably wouldn’t know where to start.

Pinch me - I may still be dreaming.

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