Desperately seeking sunshine! in A day in the life...
- May 10, 2014, 2:44 a.m.
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We've got lots of rain, lots of gray skies, and hardly any sun. This sucks, and it makes me want to just sleep the days away. All these gray and gloomy days are not good for my mental status. I've been tired and grumpy all day today :-( At least I got to the church and got the lesson baskets done.
I'm finding that if I eat as bland a diet as possible then my tummy issues aren't so bad, so yogurt and cottage cheese have become really good friends of mine. Oh, and protein packs....those are okay too, and I'm still drinking tons of water every day.
Let's talk hockey. I'm a loud and proud die-hard Chicago Blackhawks fan. The Hawks won the first round in the playoffs against the St. Louis Blues. Now they're up against the Minnesota Wild. The Hawks won the first two games, then came the third game....what a mess. The first two quarters were scoreless. Then the third quarter started and someone lit a fire under the Wild (and someone forgot to light one under the Hawks) and BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! The Wild scored four goals in a row in the last quarter, beating the Hawks 4-0. I was sitting here on the couch watching the game and when the Wild kept scoring, one goal after another, I just started laughing. I don't know why, but I found it amusing. Maybe I just had to laugh so I wouldn't cry. Game 4 against the Wild has just started....let's hope for a happier ending to this one.
So Caity, my oldest stepdaughter, went on her road trip to California with her friends. They're on their way home now and should be home late tomorrow night/early Sunday morning, so she'll have been gone 11 days total. Before she left she had told her husband that she would call and/or text him every day and talk to him and the girls at least once a day while she was gone. After they got to California she told him she didn't want to talk/text every day because, and these are her exact words, "I get homesick when I talk to them and it's ruining my fun." Um, you're going to just blow your husband off and disappear from your girls' lives for a week or so and leave them wondering where mommy is and when she's coming home so it doesn't interfere with your good time with your friends. Nice.
Oh dear, things aren't looking good already. Less than halfway into the first quarter and the Wild has already scored.
Anyway, Caity called me today while they were on the road. She told me how she was feeling bad because Mia (my son's wife) is lonely and doesn't have any friends, etc., etc. Well, if that's true then that's Mia's fault. Get out and make some friends...get a job and stay busy! Caity said that Mia's feeling down because Josh's ship is going to be going on a six month deployment soon and she'll be all alone. Well sweetie, you knew what you were getting into when you married a Navy man. I sound like a heartless bitch, don't I? I'm not...I'm really not. I just get irritated that since Josh and Mia have been married, Mia has done NOTHING. She went to college and has a degree to work with special needs children, but she won't look for a job, she won't keep the apartment clean, she won't even walk to the apartment complex office to ask them about the water bill! I got all this information straight from my son's mouth. And then she bitches at him because HE won't clean the apartment or take care of the utility issues, and he works every day! I know my son is no saint, okay? I know that when he and Mia get into it he can be a real ass. He and I had a looooong talk not too long ago about treating your spouse with respect no matter how angry you are at them. No yelling, no cussing, no name-calling. You have to listen to each other, accept your part in whatever the problem may be, and try your hardest to work things out. It also helps if you have God in your marriage, but right now that's a non-issue with Josh and Mia because after they got married they decided they were athiests. Whatever. But regardless, you have to put some effort into making your marriage work! So Caity tells me today when we were talking that when Josh gets home (his ship is out for a few days right now) she's "going to have a talk with him about how he treats Mia." Here's what I had to say about that...."Caity, that's between Josh and Mia. Neither of them are saints, and I have talked to Josh about treating his wife with love and respect. But most importantly, any problems they are having are NONE of your business!" Then she said that when she told Mia that she (Caity) was going to have a talk with Josh, that Mia told her to go ahead, that it was okay. Bad, bad, bad idea! It's one thing to bitch to a friend when your spouse is pissing you off (like my BFF and I do with each other), but you DON'T ask someone else or give someone else permission to get involved in your marriage. I love Caity, but she's starting to piss me off. She needs to worry about her own marriage and stay the hell out of Josh and Mia's.
I took my friend Mary to the Family Christian Bookstore today so she could get a gift for her nephew. While I was browsing around I found a necklace that has different charms on it and the big one says "Give it to God and let it go." Is that for me or what?? So of course I bought it. I need to be reminded of that on a daily basis. Even right now I'm sitting here worrying about money since my short-term disability is officially over as of May 11. But I can't worry....I can't! I've been in much tougher situations than this and God always got me through them, so I know He will get me through this as well. It's all about faith, my friends.
I need to be kicked in the head...seriously. I ate yogurt and a protein pack today and was feeling good. About an hour ago I ate a piece of pizza, and now my stomach sounds like there are two little gremlins in there talking to each other. My husband keeps looking at me and I'm like, it's my stomach, I swear! And it is....for now. Who knows what pleasant aromas may make an appearance later. Somebody slap me.
So tomorrow I babysit Ben for a couple of hours while Carly takes her older son (Zander) to the movies, because there is no way a 1 year old is going to sit still through a whole movie. Then I'll watch him on Sunday like I always do....7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. I've kept every dime of my babysitting money, plus the reimbursement check I got from the church from when I bought all the Easter candy for the kids. That check is for almost $70. Now I'm feeling guilty for buying that necklace. It was $15.....maybe I should take it back and get my money back. I also have a few things I'm going to sell....a pair of diamond earrings, a couple of necklaces, a set of dishes...stuff like that. Oh, and a Samsung Galaxy s3 cell phone. Hopefully all those things will bring me a few hundred dollars. I'm also trying to get more babysitting jobs and maybe a few housecleaning jobs as well. Pray for me, people...please!
Okay, my stomach is very unhappy with the pizza intrusion, so I gotta go (literally). Hope everyone has a fab Friday night! Much love....xoxo.
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