Boyfriends in The OpenDiary (OD) Days!
- May 5, 2005, 3 p.m.
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boy/friends - 5/5/2005
The newly born sperm was receiving instructions in
conception from the instructor. "As soon as you hear the siren, run for the tunnel and swim in a straight line until you get to the entrance of a damp cavern. At the end of the cavern you will find a red, sticky ball which is the egg. Address it and say, 'I'm a Sperm.' She will answer, 'I'm an Egg.' From that moment on you will work together to create the embryo. Do you understand?" The sperm nodded affirmatively.
Two days later, the sperm is taking a nap when he hears the siren. He wakes immediately and runs to the tunnel. A multitude of sperm swim behind him. He knows he has to arrive first. When he nears the entrance to the cavern, he looks back and sees that he is far ahead of the other sperm. He is able to swim at a slower pace but does approach the red, sticky ball. When, at last, he reaches the red, sticky ball, he smiles and says, "Hi, I'm a sperm!" The red sticky ball smiles and says, "Hi. I'm a tonsil."
Interesting day. Work-day more like it. Nothing majorly exciting happened to report. Jesse was on, good for some eye-candy, but no-one else really. Jesse's dyed his hair black, and it used to be blonde, but somehow he manages to pull it off and still be hot. Ian was in a shit of a mood, and just annoyed me with his petty commands throughout the day. I'd actually respect him if I actually saw him lift a single finger to do some work around the place. The only time I ever see him working is when he's with Paul, our store manager. Guess that's the reason why he's such a fat bastard. Anyway I'd rather talk about something more positive.
Got home from work and I could hear Lukey rummaging about inside the house. I walked inside and he was cleaning. He always seems to be cleaning. He's just so amazing, and he doesn't really like a mess, so if there is one, he'll be off to clean it up. I have the best boyfriend in the world. He works unbelievable hours for absolutely shit pay, and yet he gets home and he's cleaned the floors, relined the bin, washed all the dishes, fed the pets and has the loungeroom looking amazing and spotless. Makes me feel like a lazy shit sometimes! I mean, I feel like I am, but I'm definitely not complaining he does everything. He told me if ever he wants me to help him out he'll ask me. I clean up I will admit, I'm anything but a lazy slob haha. I like things to be clean too, but I'm more inclined to leave things for maybe a day or 2 and then I'll get round to cleaning them up. Sorta like how a uni-student lives I guess. Gee the 3 girls I used to live with were terrible. Dishes would be in the sink for weeks there! Sometimes I really miss living with them, but not often, as I'm so glad I'm out of there too. I ask myself, "How did I live with 3 girls for over a year?". I'm surprised I didn't go mad. Lovely girls though. Only had one major fight with one of them, and boy did it was wild lol, screaming and everything. She blamed her depression on everything though. I don't know much about depression, like the depression you have to get treated for, but sometimes it could be so annoying. I mean I certainly know what depression is - it's like one of the worst feelings in the world next to starvation I reckon. But using it as a sympathy plea? Didn't work against me, especially when I heard about it and saw it constantly. She's a lovely girl with an amazing life, yet somehow she can't see it sometimes. The amount of times my other housemate had to hide all of our medication was ridiculous. I wonder how Christel is going. And Jo, well she's my cousin, so I'm more than likely going to see her more often than the other two, unless I see them at Sunday Night Live. - that's the church I try to go to. Damn there's some hotties at church too, that's for sure. Hehe I know what you're thinking, perving at church, how low can ya get? Hey c'mon, what gay guy wouldn't? I remember, that's how I became friends with my mate Josh. I went up to him at church and said 'Hi' (before I knew him), all because I thought he was hot and I had a confidence burst. We became pretty good friends, but nowadays, like a lot of friends from church, he knows I'm gay and barely talks to me. Well he does, but I mean, goes out of his WAY to talk to me I mean. Like if I'm at SNL and he's there, him and his famil will all come up and say hello to me. That's always nice :) Just to be acknowledged and happy to see me at church. I do worry about Mick though. I'm near convinced his parents have got him seeing some anti-gay therapist or something, and he'll probably go all weird on me again, but I'm not gunna get hurt this time. I learnt my lesson last time with him. Of course he apologised for it, but still, close friends don't hurt their supposed close friends like he did. At this point I still see him as a friend, but I'm not going to provoke anything, and if he's "straight", so be it. I know inside from being a gay myself, that he'll still check out guys but won't admit it. I hope I find out what's going on with him one day.
The joke on the right, my friend Kristy sent to me. She's absolutely wonderful and she's hoping to get her diary up and running soon. Somewhere where she can ponder all her thoughts, cos she's had and has a hell of a life. She's one of my closest friends too. Pretty much the only chick I can openly talk to about having sex (in a greenhouse) with, as much as the thought of having anything to do with a vagina disgusts me....eerg how do you straight boys do it?! Breasts are nice though, I mean the whole shape of them and how chicks can work wonders with them, how they can completely captivate a straight guy's attention span and make them say, "5 Cougars thanks!" (to anyone who's seen the ad). I love my Kristy, she's a darling. I so need more girlfriends like her. The one's who don't give a shit about what others think of em, who live life and don't give a damn, oh yeh and love cock! haha.
I was called to checkouts for about half an hour today during the 5 O'clock rush. I haven't typed the word 'O'Clock' in ages, how weird. Anyway, during the time I was serving customers, this one guy came through with his girlfriend, and this guys arms must've been huger than the length of my.....well lets just say his muscles were huge! And they'd have to be to be bigger than THAT. Nah just kidding, but like to give myself the occasional ego boost. I mean someone's gotta do it hehe. Nah just kidding. I have to thank you guys for all the really nice notes you have left me recently. They really brighten my day. i didn't think I was that attractive, well you know - on the days my mirror and my face have a bitch-fight with each other in the mornings when I wake up. Must just be a good photo :) hehe. But thanks! I'm off to cuddle my boy. He's off to Toowoomba again at like 4am so I won't see him most of tomorrow. Gosh he's the best. I have yet to meet another guy who even compares to the qualities I've found in him... Love in the gay world, so hard to determine what it actually is. But it's strange, if I don't love Luke, why does the thought of him not being with me seem like the most horrific thing that can happen? Why does it seem unbearable? I think commitment's the word I'm looking for here. Commitment in the gay community - gee that must be like a million in one ratio. What gay guy out there actually wants to commit? Do love and commitment go hand in hand? Logic says so. Reason says "I'm not so sure". I couldn't imagine life without Lukey. It's been just over 4 months now, but how it feels like so much longer, as we've lived together since day one. I think we know each others insides and outs, pet peeves, favourite singers and favourite deodorants and foods. Living together was a huge risk, but now I can't imagine what it'd be like if we didn't.
Notes: --------------------------------------------------------------------
awww, im super jealous of you and luke. you guys seem to have such a great relationship! and yeah, that picture is HOT! don't try and deny it, you know you're a cutie! haha. and yeah.. about the whole vag thing, i don't even like it, and i HAVE one. haha. sin. xox
[[disco-lemonade]] 5/4/2005 11:41:08 AM
Love and committment don't always go hand in hand. There's a whole chart thingie in psychology that I remember learning. Maybe I should ask Andrew. Love has got to be one of the most incredible things in this world and everyone should have the opportunity to experience it. [Orange Blossom] 5/4/2005 12:00:16 PM
And btw, that joke is hilarious. [Orange Blossom] 5/4/2005 12:00:33 PM
RYN: Hey, not so much competitive, it's just that we've really got into it. I don't mind losing if I play well. She probably does have a better move, but it will be worth an entry if she does! We'll see...
[TheBlindArcher] [p] 5/4/2005 7:01:12 PM
~Random Noter~ in the gay world... that is the query, lol. You're friggin LUCKY that you have a boyfriend. And you owe it to your looks, from what i can see, and you're awesome personality, from what i read. Me on the other hand....ugh... my face and the mirror get into bitch-fights every day...sigh... So is it okay if I add you to my faves list? Just asking for permission! [chikinstukrakir] 5/4/2005 11:24:39 PM
Depression can be hard but it is not that bad. I was diagnosed with a mild depression. I am happy camper usually but other times I just sit and cry but I don't blame anything for the depression. It is just a chemical imbalance. Glad to hear you and your man are happy together and everything is going good. hugs [tankerbrat8386] [p] 5/5/2005 9:34:40 AM
cute sperm story [Contra Night Stalker] 5/5/2005 5:28:30 PM
Last updated May 09, 2014
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