The early bird catches the worm in The OpenDiary (OD) Days!
- May 1, 2005, 11 p.m.
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the early bird catches the worm... - 5/2/2005
One night after a date, a guy takes his girlfriend home. After kissing each other goodnight at the front door, the guy starts feeling a little horny. With an air of confidence, he leans with his hand against the wall and, smiling, he says to her:
"Honey, would you give me a blow job?"
Horrified, she replies "Are you mad? My parents will see us!"
"Oh come on! Who's gonna see us at this hour?"
"No, please. Can you imagine if we get caught
"Oh come on! There's nobody around, they're all sleeping!"
"No way. It's just too risky!"
"Oh please, please, I love you so much?!?"
"No, no, and no. I love you too, but I just can't!"
"Oh yes you can. Please?"
"No, no. I just can't"
"I'm begging you..."
Out of the blue, the light on the stairs goes on, and the girl's sister shows up in her pajamas, hair disheveled, and in a sleepy voice she says:
"Dad says to go ahead and give him a blow job, or I can do it. Or if need be, Mom says she can come down herself and do it. But for God's sake tell him to take his hand off the intercom."
For some reason I woke up at 4:30am this morning. It's 6 as I type this. It was nice as I woke up cos Luke's face was pressed into my neck/shoulder area and I could feel his breath lightly on my cheek. I layed there for a while and gave him some blanket, at which point he rolled over. So I got up, unsure of whether I should jsut lay there awake or get up. Every time I try to get up, I seem to wake him, despite him telling me he's the heaviest sleeper. But I don't think I did this time. I sneaked out of the room and closed the squeaky door behind me. Damn door.
Today's Monday, Labour Day, so this is the second Monday in a row where all the shops will be closed. So I'm probably gunna be bored outta my wits again. I'm going to see a friend later on when Luke goes to work, but that all depends on if he decides to study uni work or not. That's the problem about deciding to work and not go to uni - all my friends seem to be that up to their necks in uni or tafe work, that whenever I do have some free time on a weekend, they don't seem to. i was gunna go visit Aaron today too, but he was all excited yesterday telling me about his new girlfriend, Amy. I'm so happy for him, but damn I wish he wasn't straight - SUCH a waste, good for a perve though that's for sure! ;-) Oh he doesn't care, he knows I think he's hot - probably cos I tell him every time I'm over.
My grandma's out of hospital and back home and Mick's recovering from his car accident so that's good. I was so worried for both of them, especially my grandma being the rellie of course. Mum said she woulda rang me if anything drastic had happened. She didn't seem too interested in talking to me when I rang her a few days ago. Although things have never been the same since I came out to them like 2 years ago now.
I went for a long walk yesterday. i was just so incredibly bored and feeling uneasy I jsut had to get outta this small house. We live in like a cabin so it's so small and there's only so much cable tv and internet you can handle. So i went for a walk down to Hanford Road, which is a road connecting a lot of the Northside suburbs, and I decided to turn left, thinking I would go right next time I get bored. I started walking and realised I shouldn't have scoffed down scorched almonds before I left, as my stomach was complaining it was in pain, but I kept walking anyway. I walked over an overpass which 2 trains passed by underneath. The graffiti on the wall was quite amusing - I took down the number underneath the one that said 'call for a good time' i didn't, but it was tempting. I mean, who'd do that? Maybe it was someone getting back at someone.
Speaking of getting back at people, if you're in the gay scene or used to be, you'll know what I'm about to talk about. If someone hates you cos they are an ex, you'll suddenly find yourself the victim of revenge. I've been lucky I haven't had fake gaydar profiles made about me, but I've been thinking about it lately, and I wouldn't be surprised if I do. I mean I sold the Destiny's Child concert tickets i was suppose to take my gay friend to. He thought I just wanted his ticket so that I could take my boyfriend, but no, the reason he didn't get the damn tickets is because he threatened me. Reason I bring this up is because I swear he's immature enough to do something like make up a fake profile about me and put my phone number on it. Wouldn't be surprised, but now that I've typed it on here, it'll probably happen haha. Luke says not to worry about it and that he's an asshole anyway, but I do sometimes feel bad. I mean, our friendship was ruined over Destiny's Child concert tickets, that's pretty sad if you ask me.
Luke's still asleep. Rightfully so I guess, I mean what idiot in their right mind gets up at 4:30am on a day off!? Me! points to self, i'm the next contestant on... oh wow the suns up, I just looked out the door and I can see my car! Poor thing it is, paid 5 grand for it but it's nearly paid off! Only a grand to go! I've gotta stop worrying about money, i was complaining to Luke about it last night, how whenever I look at my bank balance, it always seems to be the same, or slightly lower, but I don't know what the hell I'm spending it on. Luke assured me it's the same for everyone and that it's 'the cost of living'. He's right. Damn I wish my parents lived in Brissy, I could bum off them for ages longer! haha, nah I wouldn't do that, I'm pretty good. I can't even go out there and take fuel from their fuel tank for my car without giving dad money for it. I'm proud of the fact that I've lived out of home for 3 years now, and I have never one had to ask my parents for a money, or a loan. I am so happy about that, I can't be doing too badly after all! Unlike my little bro who has asked them on countless occasions, been in trouble with the police and lost his licence about 3 times now. And yet mum and dad still seem to be more proud of him than they do of me. I guess I can't complain, at least he'll give them what they want - more grandchildren.
Exactly a month from today til I go on holidays. I really can't wait. At this point the plan is to check out Melbourne, as I've never been there. i should probably book accomodation and try to find a backpackers place like I did when I went to Perth, cos it is so much cheaper. I've been told to take warm clothes - fair enough, I guess it will be nearing Winter. I asked Luke what he thought I should do, should I go to Melbourne, or does he think Sydney's better? He suggested, 'why not both?!'. I was thinking that too, maybe Melbourne for a few days or a week and Sydney for a week. i guess I'll see, just worried about the money thing, maybe i should go get a credit card, as much of a bad idea as that sounds to me, but for holidays it's almost as though as you need one. I'd love to go the USA one day, but no way I can afford that now. Maybe next year or the year after I might have enough saved up for the plane fare alone haha. It's like 2 grand or something if you're not a student! unREAL, no wonder they say to travel the world before you get a mortgage or have children! Take care guys...
Notes: --------------------------------------------------------------------
i added you :) and i love your diary.. !
[[disco-lemonade]] [p] 5/1/2005 5:49:54 PM
FIrstly, glad to hear your grandma is alive and well and out of that godforsaken hospital- those things are giant deathtraps, believe you me. blinks Also, it's fun to get up really, really early- I've never actually gotten up that early, perse, more like i've pulled an all nighter and just sat there and went to bed right after the sun came up.
And..holy, holy shit! you're so hot! is done [dunoamb] 5/1/2005 11:44:21 PM
hey... just stumbled upon you randomly - i'm a friend of kezia's. You look like an interesting guy, definitely worth reading. I'm from USA, but I LOVE Australia. Melbourne's my favourite, probably, because I've spent the most time there - and if you want reccomendations from a former study-abroad participant, let me know. I haven't spent much time in Brissy yet - definitely want to go back there. [~Tiffany~] 5/2/2005 1:17:56 AM
I was at an Easter Camp about an hour east of there last April - which is where I fell in love with Australia, actually, so it could be argued that I prefer Queensland. :) I've also been to Sydney and Perth on vacation-type thingys, and both were great cities that I loved very much. gasp OH MY GOD, airfare here's expensive for you! I'm saving up money to be able to go back to Aus, but it sounds [~Tiffany~] 5/2/2005 1:20:25 AM
... like it would be easier for me, if I wasn't unemployed that is. I'm still a student, though... may have to look into your implied student discounts. :) I really wanna go back to Melb and see my friends from there, but I'd also love to spend more time seeing the rest of your awesome country. I can't think of anything else for now. Note me back; or if you'd like to talk outside OD my email is... [~Tiffany~] 5/2/2005 1:23:43 AM
... [email protected] (and that's also my msn messenger address) or i have yahoo messenger as well - my YahooID is alyssathegelfin, but I'm usually on msn and check my hotmail address regularly. Sorry I left so many notes - just when I find a new Aussie on here I usually have a couple notes' worth of stuff to say. Hope to hear back from you. ♥
[~Tiffany~] 5/2/2005 1:26:53 AM
I agree with... who was it now -- that diarist -- oh, well, never mind. I think you're real interesting and I'm adding you to my favs. And real good-looking too, which is a MAJOR reason why I'm adding you. wide grin Hey. I'm just 17, and though most of the time I'm uber-serious, I might as well act all adolescenty and awkward online.
RYN. blushes Aw, thank you. [Ness] 5/2/2005 1:39:11 AM
hehe looks like tiff did her note series on you! run while you can!!!:P:P:P (jokes!)
i hate waking up early when you can still sleep. it's good sometimes though...get some time to yourself, watch the sun come up, that kinda thing. just sucks when you always get up at 6 for wrk/going out/because the sun's up though, like i do:P.
[dysfunctional_faerie] 5/2/2005 9:39:04 AM
i woke up wicked early the other day, too.... i hate it when that happens!!
you're a cutie, by the way.
i think it's great that you can mix religion and your sexuality. go you! [HotGayBoy80] 5/2/2005 7:05:44 PM
If you're gonna be in Melbourne in about a month, then it will be winter and therefore really really cold. I want a new coat for when I go there. I'm gonna freeze. [frangipani] 5/3/2005 8:16:19 AM
Last updated May 08, 2014
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