better update in Second 1st

  • July 7, 2021, 1:20 p.m.
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I’d like to try a better update.... something to prevent missing stuff… nothing ever seems important till it is after all.... let’s see....

Work: So I move to weekends starting the 16th. This is good in so many ways. I mean I know it doesn’t sound good but I’d done weekends for a good 7 years before they moved me to days after the time we’d taken off for pandemic and the labor cuts they had made. Lately I’ve been getting to go home early which has honestly helped with migraines. Not pushing myself so hard in the afternoons allowing for one more day of okay.... I mean that’s my guess.... also waking feeling like crap thinking “I’ll get to go home at lunch” has helped get me to go in rather than wallow in Ït’s going to get so much worse, I need to call out o prevent asking to go home.” Weekends are 3 12 hour shifts and I’m honestly hopeful that the 4 days off will allow for enough time that I won’t start feeling horrible till Sunday about 3-5.... and I’ll just push till 7. After all I was doing okay for a long time before moving to weekdays. Also, I’m on vacation now for the 4th. We usually have a 1 week shutdown. They extended it + moving to weekends, when it’s over I’ll have been off 17 days. I will get a full paycheck somewhere in there.... as we are required to spend 40 of our vacation hours. I’m not sure if it will be 36hr or 40.... depends on when they swap me I guess.

Medical: So the Neurologist at Vanderbilt had asked for a sleep test but I was supposed to see her today to talk about the meds she had put me on. They moved the appointment to August 11th. I’m cool with that. I’m not entirely sure the meds are helping. Though if I forget them (only done it once) I feel it for 3 days. So far on vacation I’ve not had too many real bad days and the ones I have had I blame on poor diet. As far as that goes vacations been great. Eating all the things I shouldn’t.... in moderation mind you. Just that I don’t have to tell myself NO to every cup of coffee.... or thing with onions in it.

Family: Mom: So.... not long ago she sent me some article that was basically someone’s opinion on .... well conspiracy theory stuff about culling the population with COVID and using vaccines to finish the job/ track people/ step one in a second culling. I sent her a message back that was as kind as I could be at this point but was way more to the STFU function. After pointing out that the website she got the article from was a fake news site “just google it” she told me Google censor too much “don’t trust them”… told me to use Duck Duck go.... It’s fake was literally the consensus of the first 3 links without clicking on any of them. Made sure she understood that I will make the decision when the time comes but an article she sends is not going to sway my mind one way or the other. Neither will national news being honest. That her badgering about not getting it just made me want to get it and not tell her just to prove to her later that it was all bullshit. Currently I’m concerned that I would be one of the lucky ones that would get mildly sick for 3 days after each shot.... and I can’t just take off work because of it. Rocky still not working. I called her yesterday and I thought she was mad at me because she hadn’t responded to that text lol and it was more than 3 weeks ago? .... she seemed relieved I’d called and really needed to tell me she had had a July 4th thing at her place lol which she had not invited me too lol.... my mom can be a little passive aggressive lol little does she know that stuff doesn’t bother me at all. Like.... thankfully she didn’t invite me. I did not want to go lol Otherwise all is well I guess.

Rocky: He says he wants to work. I think he’s trying to stay on break with me and he talks about the future now with an I’ll be working type attitude. It helps but seriously.... I need him to work.

Money: So far I’ve spent most of my vacation working on MTurk to make the 358 I need for our first payment for the A/C… I really put the work in and it’s all sitting there to be deposited the 9th.... due to be paid by the 12th. He’s so proud… I’m so awesome.... blah blah blah.... anyways.... Now to work to pay up the trash pick up. Then on to next months payment on the A/C.... but now I need to wait till the 9th to do anything of value because I don’t want it to come with the (now 363) money I’ve made for the A/C.... I liked it better when you could request withdrawals for $X whenever instead of now… it’s everything you’ve earned on a predetermined date.... 3days, 14 days or 30 days from the day you change it. I’ll change it to 30 days after the payment is initialized.

Activity: So I’d gotten all hyped up on Twitch as a thing.... Rocky still hasn’t tried it.... When the table broke so did my will maybe? .... and now moving to weekends I wanted to get back into it.... but I’ve been so busy trying to make money that ..... everything feels on hold till Rocky gets back to work. I’d bought some yarn and working on a set of 3 cars from Cars.... Lightning McQueen, Sally and Mater for a coworker.... I’ll have that done before too long… I’m at 2/3 now. Then I’ll go back to pokemon. Other than that I haven’t done anything aside from work. I really want to get back to diamond painting but I’ve kinda set that in my mind as twitch only.... so I have to make the decisions about that. .... Move computer.... relearn what I’d learned before..... get set back up and choose times that I can stick to.... It’s the idea that in the long run I could make money with it but I’m busy making money with MTurk which has always worked for me in the past. It’s hard to give up time to take a risk on something else at this point.....

This is how it is.... So many things seem to rely on Rocky working. I have made a point to say something about it everyday I’ve been off. It’s not getting to him. Instead he seems to get excited. He’s really looking forward to the job fair the 12th and I guess he will hit the pavement after that. I literally do not care where he works or for how long, I just need him to take the A/C (358) and maybe water (25-30) or lights (150-200). I don’t feel like that’s asking too much. I’ve done it all for a year now (looked it up it will be a year Sept 1st) and I shouldn’t have had to.....

Welp, I think I’m going to read some today.... maybe play a video game… I’ve earned it.

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