Life In The Slow Lane in Help Me Please
Revised: 07/06/2021 1:36 p.m.
- July 6, 2021, 7 a.m.
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In the last ten years or so have you noticed that you are slowing down and those things that you use to think had to be done always gets pushed back to tomorrow or a different day? It just seems like our home life has slowed down. The only part of our life that really hasn’t is our work life because we often have someone else telling us what to do. So whatever needs to be done at work is done and then tomorrow is something else.
I have come to the realization that if something doesn’t get done today there is always tomorrow or next week or next month and there is never really any rush. But the only thing that really needs to get done right now is the breakfast, lunch and dinner because if it doesn’t then you will starve and that is not a good thing.
In recent years I have found that the list of my “to do’s” is never done and there is always something to do tomorrow. Maybe not doing everything in one minute gives your brain something to think about and do tomorrow? What is the real reason why people procrastinate? For me it’s because the time has run out and if I start whatever now it will interfere with something else that needs my complete attention and I am not really that good at multi tasking.
Here is a question for you? When was the last time you were sitting outside on your porch and was just looking at what is around you? You see that insect or bug coming toward you? Have you ever wondered where they are going? Or ever wondered how old they are and if today they will die or if you will see them tomorrow? But every single insect and bug is very much needed in our world because they all do something to help us live.
If i see a spider in my home I will not hesitate to kill it I have been like this ever since i was a child. I use to put basement spiders into empty shampoo bottles and fill it up with water and put the lid on and see if they actually died. and after about a month i would open the bottle and sure enough they were dead and boy did they smell something horrible. I use to tell myself that I was doing a science experiment then it would be okay. But I haven’t dome that for a lot of years. And my brother use to burn the spiders and insects with a magnifying glass in the summer I think he liked the idea of how they just burned and then died.
The things kids do to learn.....
Onto something else....
Today is going to be one of those days where I tell myself that laundry needs to get done and folded and then put away because tomorrow I need to run a few errands and I need to have some clean clothes and right now I don’t have any. I call them clean/dirty because if I had to I could still wear them but I prefer to wear clean clothes especially underwear.
I wonder what it would be like to just go out into the real world in your PJ’S? but then if you don’t wear PJ’S then you might get taken away if you get seen or caught. Mind you I have gone up to the store in my matching PJ’S and nothing happened to me and no one even cared. And the only time I would be naked is if there was a fire or a mud slide and my home went down and crashed.
I wonder why vanity is so important because I have a feeling that many people really don’t care what you wear. I think the only ones who do care is you. But then my thinking tends to be somewhat backwards for the most part.
Onto something else.....
Well it’s that time again where I need to stop and get some stuff done before hubby gets up for work.
So please Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe and Behave.
Last updated July 06, 2021
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