Homemade Gnocchi in My this and that

  • May 6, 2014, 5:26 p.m.
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Today I am thankful for no plans after work. I am also thankful for a patient husband.

So, I've finished my sewing project, and it looks fine. I'm so tempted to start another one, but I have a tendency to neglect other things in the house while I'm engrossed in such a project. So, I took a break and spent the evening in the kitchen last night. Did I clean it? No, though perhaps I should have. Instead I made home made sweet potato gnocchi. I mixed it and rolled it and cut it and boiled it, and today I will fry it, and make a side of onions and mushrooms, and lay it all on a bed of spinach. I told Ben I was making him a special dinner for tonight, and no peaking in the kitchen until that time. He seems kind of excited about it, as am I.

I first had gnocchi on our anniversary a couple weeks ago. It was a butternut squash gnocchi with walnuts, and it was AMAZING! So I'm hoping this turns out just as well.

Finished the third book in the Razorland Trilogy this morning. I stayed up late last night trying to finish it, but eventually I knew sleep was needed. What a great series. I remember the first book being good, and the second one was interesting; but this one kind of just crushed the other two books. I'm so sad to be finished this book, and I suppose that's a good thing.

But onto the next book I go! There is a never ending supply of them!

I have officially decided to go to my 10 year high school reunion, with or without Ben (But I REALLY hope with). I've found a place to stay, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. I'm trying SO hard to ignore the voice in me that says I must lose weight and look amazing. It's not a competition, and I look fine. What's IN me is far more important than the outside. This is a never-ending lesson for me.

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