Another GFM update in A Day in the Life of Me
- May 31, 2021, 7:34 p.m.
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So, if you are not one of my followers on FB or Insta, here is a lil update.
Still no word from Area Councilor.
She has yet to call the # she was given for housing grants for repairs and upgrades as of yet, because she has been waiting on quotes to come in. She had one guy come in Friday, one came in today, and the original guy has gone MIA. The Friday guy gave a quote of just under $3000, the MIA guy told her approx. $3500.
The GFM has raised just over $800 in just over a week. Keeping it going for now.
I am currently planning to make a run around the 14th at this point. Apparently the provincial boarders are opening tomorrow!
Hoping to get at least $1000 on the GFM. We’ve had a couple private donations, which is why the amount here is different from the actual page too.
Not really much to update you on, Had my jab on Thursday, today finally feeling like the cold i came down with has let go.
back to normal tomorrow. Got to get Avon books out. I was “gifted” 30 brochures from HQ. I only have about a dozen customers lol, so I have my regulars ready to pass some along for me to friends and neighbors in their neighborhoods lol
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