new meds so far in Second 1st

  • May 2, 2021, 8:43 a.m.
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I had the visit with the neurologist .... I guess it went okay… I won’t be getting a once a month shot anytime soon though. Apparently, I’ve got to try at lease 2 meds before insurance will approve the shot.... which I”m okay with as I’d rather take something than get a shot anyway.....

After a series of questions and statements she put me on a medicine they use that also use to be used to treat depression.... so that’s good I guess.... last night was the 3rd night I took it....

Night one I took it after dinner but waited too long to go to bed and I felt really heavy.... less time had passed but I had the same results on night 2.... last night I took it only 15 mins before going to lay down.... BUT

after about an hour of sleeping I was woken by having to throw up.... so that was cool .... I don’t know if it was the meds.... I don’t know if it was a dizzy spell … I didn’t dream… I don’t know.... but it sucked. I did get back to sleep but woke at midnight and decided to sleep in the chair in the living room being as Rocky was already in bed. It was rough.... but

Today’s Sunday. I’ve inventoried this weekend because not long ago I had trouble finding an item.... I finished that yesterday.... I had a lot of items I have/had multiple of so I double checked the inventory on all the apps to make sure things were listed.... and renewed all the things on FB Marketplace. .... I also priced 95% of it for yard sale.... witch I will really need to do sometime this month.

Work has postponed weekend shift to June.... makes me sad really..... but whatever....

I was going to crochet today but honestly don’t feel like much of anything.... I need to get lunches ready for the week and unfortunately that means a run to the grocery store.... we have most things but missing my 9am snack .... Also, need more Tums.... it’s almost 9am so everything is open.... I’m just being a bit lazy today....

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