Stuff in Second 1st

  • April 4, 2021, 4:13 p.m.
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Rocky had decided that the AC was some kind of missed connection behind the radio.... and was right.... but now I don’t have a backup camera.... it’s fine though.

Had the date with William and Nicole. I think about it afterwards and think it’s a bit funny. William and I were passing knowing glances on phrases like when I said “He has an appointment the 16th and then we will see if he can go back to work”. Also, Nicole is no longer working because they fired her.... “she slept in too much” She pops up “No, it was when I’d gone to the hospital.” ..... It’s because she’d slept it.... it was teaching kids on the other side of the world English over the internet and she has too many of her own to be awake at such hours.

This is the bunny I did:
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I decided to list him with pallet stuff yesterday. I’ve only got a few more things to list this go round and my “want to” is waning dramatically. Yesterday I decided “why not?” … Why not list this cute worried looking bunny as a pallet item.... sold him for $5 but honestly he’d be sitting here doing nothing but collecting dust anyway.... AND..... We pulled up to a parked vehicle and I got out noticing that the back window was rolling down I walked up to it. Reaching his arms out was a kid… maybe 6-7 I handed him the bunny and his mom handed him $5. He immediately hugged the bunny “he’s so cute, thank you.” It was just too adorable.
This is a teddy bear I did:
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I somehow couldn’t find eyes I wanted to pay for.... so I made them.... so far I’ve got a few places I need improvement for sure.... this bear is looking to the right for no reason.... lol
sings “to the right, to the right all the fluff n’ stuff in a box to the right”.... I don’t own pins yet so I’d just tried to put it on right and I failed. Starting with that pink ear.... shrugs I are a beginner.... no expert at all.... recognizing the problems is the only way to get better....
and this is the beginning of a Gengar (Pokemon):
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Sammy was impressed with the bunny and mentioned having “his team” of I picked up a couple small skeins of purple and found a free pattern.

Ran into Rocky’s mom at Walmart day before yesterday. Wouldn’t even be in this blog if yesterday hadn’t happened.....

Sammy had told us about his Stimulus check going to mom’s house and how she’d asked him for it. !! This was about a month ago or so.... He’d refused and went on explaining to her that really that money didn’t belong to her. It was meant specifically for him as kids in college were included this time. They’d not been included in the previous rounds because they are by tax standards still children. The criteria was changed as they (college kids) are big spenders.

Yesterday Sammy had gone by mom’s so she could give him his money. Then she immediately asked him for $500 of it. It turned into a yelling match according to Sammy. None of us can figure out how she thought she was right? Sammy needs that.... because he’s in college.... because he’s got the job in OHIO .... because she’s gotten the other bonuses and he hasn’t..... because he did lose a job to COVID......because he has living to do.....because he needs a new laptop ...... and a cell phone apparently...... and she’d decided that she needed it because she’s “Going to Oaklahoma Thursday” which she hasn’t mentioned to us.... even seeing her at WalMart the day before..... and because she pays for his phone.... and because she’s always taken care of him.... and because she uses her address and tax info to get government funds for school..... and she didn’t get a tax refund this year because he no longer lives with her....

Wait, WHAT? yeah .... Yes.... WHAT? Let’s see.... she held over his head the fact that she has been his mom? that was an adoption.... that was a choice.... that should never happen.... ” I love you but you owe me?” He’s getting all kinds of scholarships and only has to file each year to get some free gov. money..... honestly that’s how he’s paying his car down so quickly and living.... but someone had called her and leaked how much that was and she’s throwing that in his face too. She doesn’t get money for him being there anymore.... so money was an issue the whole time.... and now he knows it..... so sad.

He’d come over here to calm down.... he was so angry.....
Rocky said he’s going to call her on Friday to see if she made it to OK alright. I honestly don’t think she’s going anywhere. She just wanted some kind of reason to “NEED” money.... that isn’t hers.

Sammy said “Over the last 3 years I have tried so hard to repair our relationship and it feels like she just shredded what we had built back up.”..... Apparently, they didn’t talk at all his Senior year of high school. She’d forced him to coming out about being gay and there was no turning back after that. When I told him he could move in with us he said that night he told her that he’d be moving out and she was flabbergasted. Like “They aren’t going to want you around. They are a young married couple. You’ll be in the way.”..... all the while I was thinking “Yes, get him out of that house because given the chance she will do him like she did Rocky and convince him to buy her a house or prevent him from going to school.” It was a far better situation to be with Rocky’s mom than it was his own but it’s still not the best.

Called my mom just now .... just to tell her what happened and that I’m glad she’s my mom and I love her..... because nothing says I need to tell my mom I love her more than when I’m glad Rocky’s mom is not my mom..... also…Happy Easter!! lol

Who’s journal is this?

I was sitting on the bed while talking to Rocky before I went to sleep. I’d said ” I plan on looking up what kind of coverage we have for mental health sometime in the morning.” “Why?” “One, because if the pulmonologist doesn’t have anything for you I need to e prepared. We will then make an appointment for you to talk to someone and go that route. Two, I really should go talk to someone.” “why you?” I flailed my arms around just not comprehending what he just said.... and started crying as I explained “I have a husband that I literally just live with. I’m doing it all on my own. I love music but it doesn’t sound the same because I have one ear as well as gossip at work. Which is a whole other thing. I struggle everyday and I have to..... ” I went on for a good hour about all the little things that add up to such a big thing.....

I haven’t worked on MTurk all week..... I haven’t done twitch in like a month now.... I’ve narrowed the pallet stuff down to Yard Sale items and a remaining .... 4 items to list?.... and I just don’t want to. I’ll get them next weekend....

The lawn needs to be mowed.... the table is still not fixed.... and the nice clean kitchen I had last week.... well it lasted a week I guess. I’ve made lunches for the week.... though I’m sure I won’t need them all do list for today consists of “put more music on my 1TB thumb drive for the car” and Read all the missed posts on here..... I think I’m just going to end up stuck in twitch watching nothing and working on the Gengar though..... I’ll catch up eventually.

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