another tasty Tuesday in Not-So-Hum-Dingers
- April 29, 2014, 7:21 p.m.
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Well, hello there.
Things have been pretty lovely in the land of Jake. I have been crazy good at working in the restaurant. I feel like I've been breezing through the dish-ass-kickery with a bit more spring to my step. I know I tend to not stop moving while I'm working because they are not paying me to just stand there (which a couple of the girls seem to like to do when they're on the clock). My coworkers' laziness works out well for me because it gives me an opportunity to show how much I rock at my job, and it shows the higher-ups (Russ and Barb) what's what and that I value my role in the kitchen.
I've also felt like a pretty awesome father/husband. Every time I look at Sezzie my heart does this cool flutter thing because she is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen and I get overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to do life with her. And then I look at Ashley and get a similar surge of overwhelmitude (a word I just invented that means "overwhelming gratitude"). Sezzie and I are raising what is turning out to be a very intelligent, funny, sometimes-dramatic human girl, and I'm thrilled to be a part of all of it. I have anything else to talk about?
I really enjoy cereal (I eat a bowl of it every night for dessert, and I credit it with being a part of a lifestyle that is helping me become the leaner and healthier Jake), and drinking a water/seltzer "combo-beverage" (I fill whatever drinking vessel I'm using 2/3 of the way with plain still water and the last third is either all seltzer or a combo of seltzer and some other flavorful beverage) has probably contributed to that, too.
I just feel like I'm doing life the right way these days, and it makes me smile.
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