the other bits I can this of right now in Second 1st

  • March 14, 2021, 2:30 p.m.
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Today, I’m thinking of little things I would not have told you (readers of the journal).

Rocky cut my hair. I asked him to. Such frequent migraines and dizziness I thought that maybe it would help. It was only about 2 weeks ago and I just did a low ponytail and had him hack it at a length. He said ïs here good”.... I said probably. However, it’s too short. If I put my pony towards the top of my head the stuff in the back falls out..... so I bought some hair clips I hate .... wear the ponytail holder lower....and generally hate it..... However, it brushes in less than 5 mins (previously 15) and doesn’t seem to contribute to dizziness in the shower. So I’ll get to enjoy that for a bit.

The heater out in my car. It went out after that freezing week… it’s not the heater specifically.... but the blower … or an electrical thing. I can already see the hot days coming.... Rocky says he’s calling .... we will get it fixed… ultimately I can take his car if it’s extreme one way or the other until we do get it fixed.... I hate his car but at least I won’t get heat sick?.... and we should have it fixed before it gets hot....

I’m really thinking about “talking to someone”. I looked into 2 different apps for mental health today. The first was like $75 a week! That’s got to contribute to someone feeling helpless! I checked out an app called Cerebral it’s introductory offer is $7 a week.... to prescribe stuff only? therapy and scripts would be $36 a week but it takes HSA.... I’ll think more about such a thing. If anyone has an opinion about it please chime in here. I’ve never done this kind of thing but I think it may be time. This can’t go on much longer.... crying at work? that’s just too much. I need to do better.

It’s Daylight savings day :(..... no one likes this.... NO ONE… I heard on the radio that a bill is being offered up to end this. That this would be the last time we change time. I woke at 3 this morning.... nope I woke at 4. I did a grocery pick up at 9.... nope 10..... I have a couple meets today and they are both claiming to be “running late”.... sigh Life will be like this for at least a week.

Thursday I get to leave work early. I’m very hopeful with that and the influx of government money I’ll make it through the whole week. I get to leave at 10am .... so 3 1/2 hours of work. Then vacation starts. I’ve got to use the hours I haven’t used all year. This year I had 48.... 47? hours left and if you schedule to start a vacation on Thursday they can’t force OT. Same with the next week! I look forward to getting this week over with. I won’t have to go back till the 29th!

Twitch.... so because of work I’ve had to not do that. I have been able to watch a few people when I’m listing pallet stuff but I haven’t been able to diamond paint. I’ll have to schedule some in during vacation for sure. I still have a fair amount of “small” projects to work on. This one girl I’ve been watching....she does a lot of different crafts in her stream and has a very bubbly energetic attitude. She’s claimed to commune with the dead and one day we had a weird connection. .... Things I though had travelled to her. I know that sounds all kids of strange.... it was … anyways.... in Twitch you get points for hanging out in chats of those who are affiliates and higher. The owner of that channel designates items you can get with your points. One of the items in her chat is a tarot card reading. Simple 3 card Past, Present, Future. I had enough to I claimed it..... but things went all weird… and we haven’t been able to touch base since.... I’ll clear that up and get my darn reading while I’m off.... she’s only on Tuesdays and Saturdays.... and she canceled yesterday :(

Speaking of touching base.... I sent a message to William… just a regular text to his phone “”Assuming this is still you.... wanna get dinner the 18th (Thursday at our Mexican place)?”Him: Assuming this is me?! Like I would change my shit on you and not tell you?!?! Thursday I work until maybe 5 give or take but after that I’m free as a bird. Me: Maybe lol. Him: I currently don’t have plans after work at this time so let me pencil you in (honestly he’s being silly here) Also, remind me because it’s a long way away. ME: k, bring the gf? Him: Probably, let me ask her. Me: K k I miss you I’m going to be out of work at 10 on Thursday so I’ll have time to remind you :). See you soonish Him: Yes maám!

Then .... to Krystal : I’m sort of being forced to take my vacation (sort of cause they never force just I think they pay out and I”d rather have the time off) I’ll be off 19th-go back Monday the 29th. Pick and day to come look at the things on my counter (and other stuff) let me know.

She works nights so we arranged she’s coming buy Monday morning after work.

Will be good to see them both.

Just talked to Sammy. He was a little worried to ask and I don’t understand why he would be but … he might not be here this summer. Like can he just store his stuff here for the summer. He’s got a job offer in OHIO to work at “some amusement park” as an LED lighting technician. They pay for his room and it’s $600 a week. Not even sure why this would be an issue. So he’s talking about moving his stuff over end of April early May. He’s got his last final May 7th and has to be in OHIO the 10th! super exciting!

Last updated March 14, 2021

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