Who Is This Woman? in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • April 26, 2014, 9:06 p.m.
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I woke a few hours earlier than usual this afternoon, I think I was up and moving by 1 p.m. with coffee in hand. I spent about an hour reading scriptures and a bit of time thinking about what I read. Then I was overcome with this insane compulsion to clean and rearrange my house. Five hours later I see the progress and like the direction I'm going, but oh my gosh the mess I amassed over winter. I'm embarrassed, my curb trash bin is stuffed and there will be bags full added on Thursday when the collectors come around.

I took a break from cleaning to re-pot two plants that are so root bound I struggled to get them in their new homes. Convinced myself to get something from the freezer and actually cook a meal tonight. Strange, cooking is a passion of mine but the last few months with having no appetite I couldn't care less if I cook anything, and often that is what I do, nothing. Not healthy to be like this and I am working on adjusting my thinking about food, but when most everything leaves me feeling nauseous I don't self motivate easily.

Back to cleaning for a while, must dig out the kitchen cooking area so I can feed myself. Used to be I was always cooking, always had a spotless house, felt happy when involved in those activities. I don't know who I am any more.

Completed the kitchen other than putting away the clean dishes which are drying, or dry by now and I'm just too tired to do anything else tonight. I like the way the room turned. I have a fairly large kitchen and like to have my friends hang out when I'm cooking so we can talk or whatnot, plus I've always liked the concept of having a seating area in the kitchen. I find it relaxing.

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Ever since I bought this house I have had a "sitting/reading area" in mind. This is where the morning sun comes, bringing a special start for my days. Now I'll finally be able to be comfortable while I read my morning scriptures, study and have my coffee. Tired as I am tonight doing this really lifted my spirit.

Tired and needing to get my Sunday school and Discipleship class homework done so I need to sign off.


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