I wanna scream & shout & let it all out in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • April 26, 2014, 3:34 p.m.
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But I don't have that kinda time lol

This is just a brief update for those wondering where the hell I disappeared to.

Night audit at the new hotel is ... exhausting. But only because I am still in learning mode. I've got the gist of it all and now I am working on making it a routine.

It doesn't help that the "system" they use is almost 20 years old. There are way too many steps, even more unnecessary steps, and a whole lot of going back and forth between paperwork. But it is doable. I need to just forget about the last hotel's "1 button everything is done & printed in less than 10 minutes" way and just concentrate on this new way.

My trainer, Rick, is a fellow OCD'er and I totally understand his "method of madness" which just tickles him to death lol. He can agrevaite me with his praise and acknowledgements towards me. His exact words: "It is so nice to train someone with common sense for a change." Amen dude, amen.

I am in the middle of a 7 day stretch. Monday & Tuesday night I will be on my own. I'll be ready. I told Rick to bring a book, pillow & blanket tonight because I'm going to jump in & run the show myself. I've been doing it for the most part the past 2 nights but I've relied on him shadowing me & instead of just doing it, I double checked with him first. Not tonight. I have to rely on myself if I want to survive Monday night. So here goes nothing ...

I found out that at the end of my 90 day probation I will get a pay raise. What's that? lol

There's more to write about but I need to get back to bed. Hopefully Thursday I can give an update with more info.

I miss my Prosebox family!!! Hope you all are well!

Till next time ...

Chic Chat April 27, 2014

Hell ya! Cheers to a pay raise! I am so glad you got away from the shit hole and work for people who actually appreciate you now.

anyahs April 28, 2014

Yay so glad things are going well so far!!

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