Leibe ist für Alle Da. in Hello.

  • April 25, 2014, 11:40 a.m.
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This morning I nipped to the town where I used to work. I had one of my mad moments where I just decided that All The Clothes were getting on my nerves. I swear, if I had the money, I'd be done with laundry, I'd just buy clothes then give them away rather than wash them. I restrained myself and decided to just throw away all the odd socks, of which there were a LOT. In fact, I got Bel to do it, because I knew I might suddenly become emotionally attached to them somehow and not want to throw any of them away.

I digress. I went to the next town to buy socks. I also decided to have a Oh My God I'm So Fat crisis and I couldn't POSSIBLY wear the dress I'd picked for The Wedding (which is in a fortnight. Eep. I still feel a bit weirded out by John's sister marrying my ex, but that's for another day.) Thank goodness I didn't find a dress I liked, because I tried on the original dress when I got home and I look much better in it than I remember. I was under the impression I was going to have to lose about a stone, but a bit of side boob is the only problem. I'm sure I can tone that a bit in a fortnight. Phew, diet/enormous carvery followed by enormous full English panic averted! stuffs face with jelly beans My name is Sonja and my jelly belly is caused by Jelly Bellies.

While I was in the next town, I decided to pop into EWM, where I used to work. Christine then told me my ex colleague, Stacey, had died last week or earlier this week! No one knows any details about it and I'm not going to speculate. She was only 54 and had 5 kids, the youngest being our Rob's age. :/ She left a couple of weeks after I did, citing ill health, but Stacey had always been very quiet and cagey. I always remember the manager making small talk and asking Stacey if she had a significant other, only for Stacey to tell the manager to mind her own business! I only found out she had two sisters after I'd been working with her for 2 years.

Being as I was the only person who had old manager, Pam's phone number, I offered to ring Pam to tell her. She was just as shocked as I was. I really feel for her kids. Her two sons are still at home and even though they are 18 and 27, they're still going to have to adjust to life on their own. I remember ribbing Stacey about her choice of names for her kids. Lucy, Molly, Ruby, Harvey and Finlay. I asked her if she'd chosen -y suffixes on purpose and she admitted they had. Then she told me her kids' dad was called Andy and we ended up crying laughing about it!

In other news, a couple of weeks ago I saw a job advertised in the charity shop round the corner from my house for an assistant manager's role. The job description was basically what I'm doing in Barnardo's now, but without the commute and a better wage. I applied and I've been asked to attend an all day interview thing on 15th May. If I get it, I'm going to be better off financially and time wise (it's literally a 2 minute walk from my house, rather than the 20 minute commute it is now, along with all the hanging around, which adds about 2 hours to my working day). So fingers crossed there.

It's not as if I'm not enjoying my current job, I'm loving it! I love looking through and sorting the donations, the shop floor work and my boss is super nice, constantly telling me every time I do something good (and, as a consequence, every time I do something wrong, which is hardly ever these days!) I've been there 6 months now, which is crazy! But it also means I'm now finished my trial period. I've been asked to think of ways to promote our volunteer recruitment drive, which is now going to be my official role. I haven't actually done that before, so that might be a weakness when I am asked about it for the new role. We'll see.

I was going to write about the brilliant weekend I spent with my parents and sister, but the keyboard on a Kindle is such a faff, I'll leave that for another time. If we're friends on Facebook, you can look at the pictures there. :)

Satine April 25, 2014

So good to hear from you!

Mum of Yum April 25, 2014

I find it telling that you called the dress a stress!! :)

Emmy Lou Mum of Yum ⋅ April 25, 2014

This! :)

Babe In Toyland Mum of Yum ⋅ April 25, 2014

Did I? I like blaming my Kindle all the time, but maybe it was subliminal this time! ;)

Bomb Shell April 25, 2014

You wrote all this on your Kindle? I can't be bothered writing that much on a touch screen keyboard.

That's sad about your pld colleague, her poor children :o(

You should write more often!

~Twinkle~ April 25, 2014

Fingers crossed for the job x

Lucretia April 26, 2014

What a shame about your ex-colleague, that's very sad :(

A fortnight is plenty to attack side-boob, although I bet you look great anyway and no one will notice (or they might and they might like it?)

Babe In Toyland Lucretia ⋅ April 26, 2014

I must admit, I was wearing it without a bra. It might make a whole world of difference if I put one on...

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