On Atheism, or Lack Thereof. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.

  • Feb. 3, 2021, 12:17 a.m.
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Wasn’t expecting three long-winded entries in one day, but here we are. LET’S GO, CUMSLUTS.

It’s not that I hide being atheist. It’s that other religions are so HI I’M CHRISTIAN AND THIS DEFINES ME. Or THOU ART HINDU, WORSHIP VISHNU.

Us atheists tend to only have to say anything in respond to something. Almost never initiating discussions. Why would we? It doesn’t define us like some religion-sluts.

Where’s my quazi-Star Trek reference? WE WILL GET THERE.

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I picked this up from a partner of mine. Like almost all of my partners, she’s more “spiritual” than being a slave to some doctrination of some religion.

She expressed a theory that, if Jesus was real, he was an alien.

Oh, I’ll let that sink in for a little bit. But think about it. All the crazy things written down in this best-seller known as “the bible”. Written by a bunch of dudes who couldn’t clean their dicks properly?

IF an alien actually came to earth, how would he be perceived?

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See: Star Trek TNG, s03e04, “Who Watches The Watchers”

NCC-1701-D have a WHOOPSY and violate the Prime Directive. And this “primitive” culture is astounded by Picard and crew. So naturally, since they can’t fathom how they can bring people back from the dead (WHICH WE CAN DO NOW, FOLKS), they feel Picard and crew are supernatural. They code Picard as a God.

You have bows and arrows, and suddenly there’s a stranger that can BRING PEOPLE BACK FROM THE DEAD. Again, we can literally revive people after death now.

Where am I going with this? Eh. It’s not that I have nothing less to lose, but everything to gain.

Because I actually do believe in aliens. Only human arrogance would believe we are the only sentient beings ever. Space is frakking BIG, so duh, no wonder we haven’t bumped into anyone.

I’m not even sure quite if I have a final statement. My headspace is everywhere.

I do know if this was Q messing with us, well. Q wouldn’t go this far. He put on trial for being a savage race.

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Remember that Q always had Picard’s back. He put him through hell, but then would pull him back.

If there are supernatural powers, they aren’t kind like Q. They’re fucking with us.


Feel didn’t write it quite right. Not expressing what I’m trying to express.

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Whelp, I can always write another day.

Let’s finish with an absolutely unrelated Trek image.

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