Uncrustables War in 2021

  • Jan. 29, 2021, 9:07 p.m.
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Yeah, the little sandwich things. Today my day was ruined by them. Apparently that roommate and her spawn bought some, and I bought some, and Spawnetta ate some, and nobody knows whose she ate, so the roommate’s spawn got her nose out of joint and started snarking, so I bought a fucking pair of boxes (because which flavor anyway?) and told everyone to sort it the fuck out because I’m so done.

“So done” is how I feel about everything. I can’t even pay attention to Stupid MMORPG because I can’t sit still.

Still bleeding. They tried three whole days of tranexamic acid on me, but it did shit. I’m still gushing out gore. It came out so strongly at one point that it brought my cup out! Not unsealing it, but it popped out from between the labia minora, and that shit hurts. That cup seals on, so there’s a little give, but after that it is SKIN and it is ATTACHED and ow. I swapped out cups for the afternoon to a Softdisc because it was pretty tender after the Cupcapades, and I feel semiokay now, but the gore goes on. Lu is bleeding again, too. She’s only taking a week between cycles right now. I don’t know what’s going on, but that 14 year old needs a crotchdoc, stat.

(She’s already had one for a bit, since this is not new, but she needs one that isn’t anxious about getting in there and stuff. Current one doesn’t want to do an internal exam til 16, but this kid is bleeding every other week. Go ahead. Open her up. She’s got a therapist.)

I’m not mean, I just want to know what the fuck slipped a gear in my spawn.

Anyway. Cramping. It’s not as bad with the disk (the cup was giving me uncharacteristically bad ones earlier, I wonder if it maybe didn’t open right?)

Second week of flash fiction. Working on…seventh flash fic? All bad. Need to clean one up for workshopping, as I suspect I’ll be called on this week (because I sat out this week, as one does when she doesn’t like what the prompt gave her.)

Need one more tonight, about people watching. Have half a grain of an idea about a person who makes her own moods (or his) another about a dragon who wants to turn a golf course owner into an entree, and a third about someone who literally “hears America singing.” Yesterday’s was about a lost kimchi recipe. Well, kind of. Actually, it was about lost cultural standards and events in the lives of immigrants. Except, of course, I am not Korean or Tamil and I don’t know their cultural standards…so I made one up.

Knitted some slippers ala auntekristy. https://auntekristy.blogspot.com/2016/09/better-dorm-boots-free-knitting-pattern.html I don’t do the ankle wrap portion. I stop right after the foot pattern is completed, do three rows of knit purl knit, stitch em up and wear them til they die. You can finish a pair during a movie marathon. Faster, I suspect, if I would just bite the bullet and knit them in the round.

I’m really boring right now. Mostly I am tired.

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