Two deaths in blackpropaganda

  • April 23, 2014, 6:02 a.m.
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A couple of sad days when two friends succumbed to cancer - one after quite a long time, and the other pretty quickly. They were both diagnosed in their sixties - and one got through to his seventieth birthday - and beyond - the other didn't.

I am always a little wary of the concept of 'fighting' cancer - I think the sufferer chooses his/her own way to cope, with the awareness that it might all be in vain. The good thing is that they lived full and productive lives - good family men - and making a contribution in their own ways to the wider community.

You grieve for their families - but not for them - they are released from pain and uncertainty - RIP.

Deleted user April 23, 2014

It's always hard for those who are "left behind', because as you said, their loved one has been released from the pain and suffering.

Deleted user April 24, 2014

I'm sorry. I know how that feels. First my dad and then one after another after that. Sigh.

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