One Quiet Night in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • April 22, 2014, 3:43 a.m.
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"Come unto me,
all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Tonight is blissful, sixty degree at eleven p.m., raining steady, beating on the awning of my porch where I am sitting enjoying the first real nice night of weather this year. Last night I slept with the windows open, and will again tonight. The only warm weather I like better are steamy, humid nights that are thick with moisture's fog. That is the part of me that yearns to live in the southern swamps, a left over from my youth when I lived in the south.

Easter was lovely, though it started very early. Sunrise service followed by breakfast with the brethren, then Sunday school, then the Easter Cantata which was very well done, very moving. Ryan and Jessica arrived half an hour early, by the time I was out of class they had experienced a large old Southern Baptist greeting at the door, by every member that passed them. lol. Poor kids are used to the Catholic churches where one comes, goes and nobody is the wiser for it.

We had a wonderful family gathering at Jessica's grandparent's home in Walled Lake. The entire family was there (I'm family according to them now the kids are engaged). The food was plentiful, the humor and discussion as well. I enjoyed having time to sit with Jessica's mother and hear her take on how Ryan should proceed with his immediate future/school/work, practicing keeping my mouth shut and nodding my head. Not my decision to make, just to keep him thinking about his options and the long-term goals.

As it was such a lovely day Ryan and I went for a walk to discuss what we know so far from all my medical tests. I can see him being strong, at the same time he is worried and afraid. Thank God he is willing to talk with me about his concerns, ask questions, express his opinion and share his fears. When his dad died he clammed up and until last month didn't say a word, just acted like it never happened. I'm glad he realized the emotional harm that caused him and is willing to handle my illness differently.

I get tomorrow off and lucky me will spend it getting caught up on house cleaning. I need to get to a point I can start painting my living room. Getting ahead of what seems to never stop coming into the house stays one step ahead of what leaves on trash day. It's a vicious cycle.

Wednesday it's back to the lab for (I hope) the last round of blood work and then to the doctor for a uterine biopsy. I'm not looking forward to that, but will be glad to have it behind me. Praying the results of that are good. STILL waiting for the biopsy results on the cyst thingy in my esophagus. I've kinda become weary with all these tests and results, having a hard time caring what comes back at this point, I let myself not want to know any more. I'm overwhelmed. And yes, I have placed this all on God's shoulders, I need rest.

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