woman stuff in --

  • Sept. 18, 2013, 8:01 p.m.
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My son is so gosh dang cute, sometimes I can hardly stand it! I'm always kissing on him and pinching his chubby little, adorable legs. When does this stage end? He's almost 13 months old and I still do it! I just love baby snuggles. :)

I try not to call him a baby, but it's so hard. He's always going to be my baby. Which is weird, because they're only babies for 12 months. Most of their life is spent as a non-baby. I guess it's just a nostalgia thing, like everything else.

I've been really wanting to be pregnant again lately. But it would be too soon. Oh, much too soon. I've only just started getting used to life being different, and I am starting to get over constantly being disgusted by my body. I actually don't really think about it anymore. Maybe it's because I'm closer to my pre-pregnancy weight (but that weight wasn't healthy). I don't know. Changes are always hard, and it's taken me a long time to get used to it.

I think it's hormones. It's always hormones. I still don't have a period anyway.

Life is going by very quickly. It's a crazy phenomenon that happens the older you get, which is a little depressing, but I'm glad to be alive all the same.

The Rancid show is this Saturday. I want to go SO BAD but I don't have a babysitter, so I haven't bothered to buy tickets. I haven't been to a show since I was 38 weeks pregnant. And boy, that was interesting. We'll see if I get to go or not!

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