Demoral in Politics

  • Dec. 11, 2020, 8:09 a.m.
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My anxiety was high almost the entire day. I am probably going to have a panic attack tonight. Those only hit me when I’m asleep. They’re a rude awakening. My province is the most oppressed during this COVID-1984 response. We get another month of it. The majority of the businesses that are being crushed forever are woman-owned. I’m not a post-modern feminist but that fact just hits differently. People are just okay with forcing others into poverty. The prices are inflating already. That huge wave of poverty is coming and our Deputy Minister is preparing to raise taxes. She also wants to “unlock” the savings of Canadians who have not been forced to burn through them. Private wealth is probably another freedom Canadians will acquiesce. I guess holding Canadians upside down and shaking the loose change out of them is how the Liberals intend to dig us out of this record debt.

The Oxford University Press published a study on the COVID PCR tests and it was discovered that at 25 amplification cycles, 70% of positive COVID-19 PCR tests are not cases because the virus at that amplification threshold is not alive. By 35 amplification cycles, 97% of positives are nonclinical because those viruses are dead. We are running 37-40 amplification cycles on our COVID-19 PCR tests in Canada and the US. Of course, the cable news cult is too demoralized to process information and nothing means anything to them until their cable news says it. The CDC published a study in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Disease that 2% of blood donors already had antibodies to COVID-19 on the west coast this time last year. Before China told the world it was already in America and nobody even noticed. Long story short, if we throw that damn PCR out as it is not designed to do what it is doing then all of this would just go away. Of course, the demoralized ones addicted to the fear porn in cable news think that a vaccine is the solution to making the world go round again. That’s going to be a big no, it’s about to get a lot worse. Unimaginably worse. In almost every way possible.

What has me so irrevocably nervous is that my province will be the first to get the vaccines. I’m terrified that they will be mandatory. The same people okay with forcing others into poverty will be okay with forcing others to take a vaccine. We’ve been conditioned to believe that freedom is selfish and that informed consent is dangerous. These sheep are dangerous. They won’t even flinch if families are torn apart and placed into the COVID camps at this rate. My prime minister called those camps a baseless conspiracy but they are just a 40-minute drive from my house.

Following former bartender AOC on Twitter was supposed to be for a laugh but it’s not funny. She terrifies me. I even had a nightmare about her. It wasn’t a nightmare per se, it was like having a fight with a friend and I was just trying to get her to see the error of her ways but she was too afraid to face the possibility that she could be the bad guy. That could be a representation of my battle with myself. I had that indoctrination that leftists have. I don’t even know where I got it from and I didn’t know I had it until this year. I came out of a long inner journey and came out of it someone new. The brainwash was gone and I couldn’t connect to people, places and things the same way. AOC, the whole left and what they are doing has been done over and over. It starts the same way and it ends the same way. In France, it was aristocrat privilege. In Germany, it was Jewish privilege. In Russia, it was Trotskyite privilege. In China, it was revisionist privilege. In America, it will be white privilege. American has all the ingredients to bake that communist cake right now. Racists and racist sympathizers aka conservatives will be sent off to re-education FEMA camps. We need a great awakening to stop this and reverse this ideological subversion. This is happening all over western countries. All the signs were there and we let it happen.

There is absolutely no way that the US doesn’t start 2021 in a civil war. Big tech and big media are absolutely trying to legitimize Biden. The cable news cult is going to be blindsided if Trump wins. 40% of America is suing 8% of America right now over the election irregularities. 21 states claim that the votes of their people were disenfranchised because those 4 other states played by different rules. Every vote should be treated equally, that is the legal theory that Trump’s SCOTUS picks used when they contested the election for Bush back when Al Gore was “president-elect” for 37 days. The sheep think that Trump is undermining democracy because their cable news and leftist culture have them all believing that America is a democracy. It’s a constitutional republic. What Trump is doing is the epitome of constitutional. What sends chills down my spine is that YouTube is going full communist now. They will be deleting anyone that critiques a democratic election. That is a communist China move. One narrative only.

Speaking of communist China. My propaganda news here in Canada is not even touching the China files. One of our independent media companies requested information from our government about something and they didn’t black out the sensitive information effectively. My Prime Minister has our military participating in CCP propaganda to help China believe that they have the world’s highest praise and respect. My PM is actively participating in the CCP’s plan to become the next UN figure. He’s actively participating in their Belt and Roads initiative. He’s allowed China’s Liberation Army into our country to learn winter war survival. He did that against the advice of everyone and made it Trump’s fault. He demanded that our military not promote Canadian values when in China or to the CLA. He’s training them how to go to war on Canada, he’s training them how to fight in the Himalayans. How to fight America during the winter, Tibet, the Uyghurs and India. All of this while China has two of our journalists held hostage. He does not have Canada’s best interests at heart at all. When O’Toole brought this up to the Deputy minister she made the usual empty Liberal response about caring so much it hurts while they do nothing and then tried to make the moment all about conservatives spreading misinformation about vaccines. (There is next to know information about vaccines and being concerned about that is a conservative thing apparently. Free thought is conservative?) Trudeau is randomly talking about how we might be doing elections differently during these unprecedented times. Who the fuck ordered an election? China is going to help Trudeau steal a majority government. Trudeau wants to be a good boy and bring Canada to the reset first.

Of course, the demoralized ones will think I’m ignorant and wonder why it is so hard to just understand the news. Trump is a Russian agent trying to undermine democracy, the office of the president-elect is a real thing, AOC is always a victim, white people are born into racism and need to learn critical race theory to understand that they are inherently evil, Trudeau can do no wrong and would never lie, China is our friend and their plan to take over the world is just a conspiracy, a flu virus with a mortality rate identical to a flu virus is a plague, the PCR COVID-19 tests are foolproof, we don’t need more studies done on an experimental vaccine or a public list of its ingredients or liability built into the contracts or ask why the company sold the majority of its shares because vaccines work, the news would never lie.

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