The Setup in Politics

  • Nov. 27, 2020, 8:38 a.m.
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We are doubling our poverty and child malnutrition next year in the name of these lockdowns. Those are the human sacrifices we are making to feel good and virtuous about locking billions of people up in their homes and forcing them to sacrifice their livelihood, their savings and their privacy. Just obey and be happy that you’re saving me and the grandmas is probably what the cable news cultists are thinking. The poor are getting poorer, the sick are getting sicker. All we did was make the vulnerable more vulnerable. 25 million Nigerians already had food insecurity before we shut off their supply. Where is BLM on that? We are adults, we should know the truth about our actions. I always wondered how people in Germany let a certain socialist party do what they did. Now I know.

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I am so pissed about that man in Ontario getting arrested for keeping his business open. He is trying to protect his family from poverty. Small businesses have nothing to lose. They made a spectacle of arresting him. Over 100 police got involved. Ontario is a police state now? This is what communist countries do, they want us to see how small we are. Even more disturbing is that they arrested a political opponent to Doug Ford for having a political rally. That is what fascists do. This is communist Canada now. Our news is as real and sincere as the news in China at this point. Legacy media reports him as some psycho trying to be a super spreader, there is no science to justify punishing his industry but these cable news cultists are too emotionally hijacked to feel compassion or synthesize an original thought. I could replace one with another and they’ll just say the same thing. Their ignorance and compliance is their weapon of mass destruction, they will be the reason our countries fall to communism. Apparently. corona doesn’t spread at big box stores that billionaires have shares in just at small businesses which must be sacrificed for the greater good. Listen to the science and wear the super masks and obey it will all be over sooner. That somehow makes sense to these cultists. This was never about stopping the spread. That was never possible. It was about slowing the spread and flattening the curve so hospitals weren’t overrun. We were supposed to protect the vulnerable and isolate the sick. Never in the history of history have we quarantined healthy people. This is over a virus with an identical mortality rate to the seasonal flu. I was just talking with my friend that is a microbiologist, this virus isn’t magic. It doesn’t spread differently. We were going to have to learn to live with it eventually. It’s been a year now, they know the virus and they can handle it. Regardless of the propaganda in the news. Hospitals are ghost towns in my city, in the news, they report to their fear porn cultists that we are treating people in the parking lot because they’re so swamped. Fake news. Doctors were trained for this, they were supposed to be prepared for this. If I have to see another before and after of a nurse I’m going to… just keep scrolling. I don’t respond to moral ultimatums.

This vaccine isn’t even a real vaccine. It only prevents symptoms, not the spread. It also puts nanoparticles in you and changes your genome but who cares. The 8th-grade explanation of a vaccine is all we need to know. Everything else is ignorant to say… ? Dr. Fauci is saying that they will be socially distancing and wearing masks forever in America. My Dr. Fauci in Canada is just all over the place and we don’t know anything. Dr. Tam says that we should wear masks while having sex. Meanwhile on Grindr: MaskvsMask. We didn’t elect those people, they are to advise. They are not supposed to have this kind of authority. There is no consensus, scientists and doctors do not just all agree on this shit. Those who are counter-narrative are politically assassinated. Hydroxychloroquine was useful against SARS the first time around, the papers on that happened under Dr. Fauci and they magically disappeared and then it was fact-checked even though doctors had already seen it and started treating patients with it. It’s a prophylactic that could have saved lives, according to Dr. Stella Immanuel. It’s two pills a month and our seniors in homes had nothing to lose. Suddenly Google wants to tell us that it is a dangerous drug. It comes from a tree bark in South America, the indigenous gave it to the sailors to chew on to prevent scurvy. It slows the virus from multiplying and it opens up your channels to let more zinc in. The US government put up a lot of barriers to get this drug but MD’s created this website so they can help send it to Americans. Politically assassinated and discredited as they are they’re not going anywhere. They treated 2000 COVID patients and only two of those died and only because they refused to go to the hospital to be trapped in isolation.

Arvin DM’d me about one of the COVID stats that I brought up on FB. He’s an old friend that is a chiropractor who lives in BC. He was trying to understand something I calculated. The amount of hospitals in my province adds up to 4 patients each with covid and not even one per hospital in the ICU and zero patients are on ventilators. Only 2.8% of COVID deaths in my province happened to people who did not live in a nursing home. We started talking about the epistemology behind these numbers. We don’t know what a COVID death is, we have articles of people having COVID on their death certificate from falling off a ladder. The CDC broke theirs down and only 6% were directly from COVID and the rest were from complications. Yet, autopsy’s are forbidden in most countries. A doctor in Italy performed an autopsy on a COVID patient anyway and tried to blow the whistle after because the patient’s lungs were filled with bacteria that could have been treated.

Arvin and Derek, the microbiologist, agree that this looks like a casedemic. Ok, Derek is not there yet. He’s slowly coming around to see it. The PCR is not designed to determine infection or if a person is infectious. He agreed with that. That is a fact, no matter how much scripture we read from our media Gods the PCR was not designed to do that. A positive test result is not a case because a case is when someone is infected, calling those all cases is the real misinformation and conspiracy. It’s only 10% accurate. We fight about the science of the super masks and ignore the damn science about the PCR. Portugal just ruled the PCR ineffective and declared these lockdowns unlawful. Even sensible people at the WHO said that these lockdowns are worse than the virus. I can’t remember what fact was brought up about the virus to our health minister in parliament but she called it dangerous misinformation. I am so sick of the liberal party gaslighting Canadians. The truth is right in front of our faces, they think we’re stupid. Of course, she is just spoon-feeding fear to the cable news cultists. The stupid are getting stupider. I said what I said.

Anyway, Arvin was telling me how his profession was one of the first to be politically assassinated. He’s a chiropractor, it’s pseudo-science and dangerous and redundant according to the mainstream. Chiropractors generally have a holistic view of health, which makes it controversial in the medical community. Just taking a pill to improve health makes more sense to everyone than to control what they eat and do in life. When COVID came out chiropractors started losing their licenses because they started advocating for healthy living and improving mental health to help fight COVID. Even in Canada. That was dangerous misinformation and people need to listen to authoritative sources and stop reading conspiracies online. Governments and media never lie to their people, never ever have they ever and they will never do that… not once has that happened to any society, we need to trust our media overlords and accept that our governments are the arbiters of truth so help you, god. They would never take advantage of a crisis to overreach and grow their power. Never.
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80% of Americans suffer from chronic diseases in which the leading cause of those is poor lifestyle choices. This year in America 700 000 people will die from heart disease, 600 000 from cancer and 300 000 from obesity. If these lockdowns were about health we would be mandating healthy living. Except that we don’t because we live in a free society and people are free to make their own awful choices. All COVID did was show us what the real threat was, heart disease, obesity, cancers, hypertension, diabetes & respiratory diseases. It was only a threat to the vulnerable and we were told that there was nothing we could do to protect ourselves from this .1% mortality rate. That’s not true, those diseases are almost always preventable, treatable and sometimes even reversible. I was supposed to be pursuing my degree in nutrition and wellness coaching this year. I was disturbed when I brought this up in a conversation, that these diseases are linked to bad choices and I was called a conspiracy theorist. I was spreading misinformation. What the actual fuck? I guess people would rather cleave to the idea that they are always perfect victims to everything that happens to them. Anyway, so I go to Google to prove my statement and suddenly obesity is a body type and not a disease. It’s a myth that poor diets cause disease. Nutrition is going to be pseudo-science next? Christ. People are not making informed choices anymore and it’s being set up that way. Health and politics should be separate or at least balanced. I am prepared to be up against the fat acceptance movement. It’s fatphobic to suggest a person reduce their body fat. It’s society that needs to change… fat is not just on your body, it’s in your arteries. A friend that was like a brother to me died at 33 from heart failure. He had obesity. Another friend of mine just survived an embolism last year, she has obesity and is my age. Excess fat is dangerous to promote as healthy. I said what I said.

Ok, I’m done ranting for the day. Let’s take a moment to appreciate that regular influenza seems to have vanished. It’s a moderna day miracle.
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Last updated November 27, 2020

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