Latest upset in Torridaussity Two
- Nov. 13, 2020, 11:18 p.m.
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I’m due for a super long entry, but latest 2020 drama I’m waiting on test results to see if I may have Lyme disease or Rheumatoid Arthritis or 2 other nameless joint pain causing issues. I have been having muscle issues worse than normal last and for at least 2 months my hands have been in near constant pain. So when I go in about an infection that came out of no where in my finger I spilled the tea about my other joint and muscle pain so I now sit and wait to see what new thing my body has decided to “bless” me with. I am wishing for plain Jane Arthritis if anything. I will hopefully write more later. Just can’t sleep cause of steroid treatment. Oh what a fun life I lead.
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