Clutzerday in What's Happening

  • Oct. 11, 2020, 1:10 a.m.
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Today was an extra clumsy day for me. For one, I turned my propane grill on high and forgot about it all day. It burned the entire day. While I was at my friend’s house in mid-conversation I was like,

Fuck, I left my grill on. Gotta go!

I hopped in my truck and rushed home, but mid-trip i realized there was no real reason to rush. It had been burning for about 5 hours now. If anything bad was going to happen then it probably happened already.

I pulled in my driveway and quickly checked on the grill. It was still burning, but everything was fine. Now I have an extra extra clean grill.

On top of that, I think I may have cracked a rib. I’ve been doing my best to try and ignore it. I fell while I was riding a mini ramp with my bike at my friends house. It wasn’t anything serious, but the way the handlebar jabbed me in the stomach it really feels like it did some damage. For now I’m going to numb the pain with Diet Pepsi (still doing the sober October thing.) I was looking to see if they made any sort of low-profile chest protector that I could wear for next time. I don’t want to get anything too bulky and look like a jackass, but it hurts so bad when you fall it would be nice to have some protection.

One of my friends sent me a snap on Snapchat today with this song playing on his car stereo and said, “Guess where I’m going right now”

I don’t know why, but I was laughing so hard. I think I just thought it was funny that he thought to listen to the theme song for Home Depot while he drove here.

Camdengirl October 11, 2020

Oh ouch, take it easy!

Deleted user October 11, 2020

Ouch! Hope it heals quickly. Also, glad everything was intact with the grill. Oofta!

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