Snipes and Barges in New Immigrant
- April 12, 2014, 11:47 a.m.
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A huge coal barge is passing by! It's sixty, windy and might get a (much needed) April Shower. The other day the eastern half of Iowa was RED on the weatherman's map to signal a No Burn Alert. First time I remember that happening for such a large area.
The fact that Tom hasn't shown much interest in our river place/world has been weighing heavily on me. The other day I had a breakthrough when I realized during the previous three years of his book writing, when he visited I would need him to do things I couldn't. He seldom "played," only worked.
Yesterday when he suggested visiting the ponds or the New Albin Marsh, I chose the marsh and told him why. At the ponds we worry about the washout and wonder how we'll fix it, while a marsh visit is recreation. He agreed.
That glorious marsh did NOT let us down! Tom followed a mink all over, getting several photos. When the dozen or more resident sandhill cranes called, he lit up with glee. We heard frogs for the first time this year and even saw two birds we'd never seen in our lives - snipes. They resemble woodcocks - are smallish shorebirds with beaks as long as their bodies!
Counted at least a dozen lesser yellowlegs, also shorebirds with long legs and were busily eating and fun to watch. Two great (white) egrets, first of the year, looked sleek, Japanese and photogenic. Tom was really "into" it, like in former times. There were also four eagles hunting shovelers. Everywhere we turned something was going on.
Both to and from we saw the special trumpeter swans.
We capped off our memorable afternoon with another chicken/artichoke pizza, who could ask for more!? Truly grateful to rediscover "the old Tom," the passionate naturalist.
Have a great Palm Sunday. I was one week early for Easter, I now realize.
I am grateful for the unending joys of Spring. For having Tom enjoy birding as much as I did. That the kittens continue to be wild and crazy.
You have a Special Weekend. Be Safe.
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