Monday Outage, September 16th, 2013 in Upcoming OD Improvements (Service Outages)

  • Sept. 16, 2013, 11:21 a.m.
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We are pleased to report that we were able to bring our server back online following our Friday the 13th outage ahead of schedule, at 4:03 a.m. Eastern Time. Unfortunately, it is down once more, having gotten itself all gunked-up with Butter Pecan syrup during an early morning visit to IHOP and the "Breakfast Sampler". EWS has updated me with information about his platter of biscuits and gravy, stating that though the hashbrowns were somewhat cold, he couldn't complain about his sausage links. The server's Sampler reportedly included a couple of eggs fried "over easy" that were just a little TOO done, but its bacon was PERFECT. Trouble started around 7:40 a.m. Eastern Time when EWS, surprised that the coffee in the first carafe didn't taste like shit as it usually does, high-fived OD's server as it was preparing to slather its pancakes with syrup, causing it to sustain a Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005', at which time it lost grip of the Butter Pecan decanter, pouring it into itself and short-circuiting, immediately knocking itself offline.

EWS has consulted with Darlene Jackson, manager of the IHOP, who, at this time, cannot comment as to when Open Diary's server is expected to be back online at the earliest, but suggested it wouldn't be until at least after the mid-morning rush, when a shuttle bus full of residents from Shady Haven Nursing Home are due for their Monday klatsch.

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