Monday/ Denver in A New Journey
- Sept. 14, 2020, 12:40 p.m.
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We all had a very nice dinner yesterday and the air was so nice and clear skies in months since Colorado are also experiencing mountain fires as well, several weeks ago I heard many people were having smoke ashes on their cars. I was hoping to not smell any of the smoke while I am visiting. ITS nice and nearly cleared here now. The snow storms was what we all needed early in September and today is a nice SUMMER day as it should be. High in 80’s is expecting today. So I had already taken my mom to the Dr for her foot and she has to wear her boot for another 6 more weeks, as it now looks like she had a clear break, and her age will take a long while to heal for her, she just barely got herself cleared from Kidney cancer as they were able to get it all out, but she still has to what she needs to do to really clear more of her cancer. She is strong willed and I believe she will live a good many more years. We shall see. Her oldest sister lived to 96 years 0ld and her 3 other sisters sre all fighting to outlive each other. NOW does that work? Laughing about it. All I know is that they are all strong willed ladies. I dropped her off and went to Starbucks to get my usual Strawberry Acai drink and I am sitting outside in a nice shade typing this while I am waiting for my cousin Beth to do her errands for her daughter who has been very sick lately. I miss living in Denver sort of. I just don’t like all the traffic, I just don’t have much tolerance being in traffic compared to living in the country as where you can relax and not have stress driving with people who want to be crazy drivers. I won’t go there.
Once Beth is finished with her errands for her daughter we plan to run to a few thrift shops so I can find a frame for my mom as I had painted a very nice tree and want to get it in a frame for her house while I am here. I love love love love thrift shopping when I come to Denver. Who knows I will find many other things as I don’t need. Then later this evening we will go visit my big little big brother to watch the BRONCO game tonight, but its going to be a very late game tonight so might not watch the whole game. WE shall see.
I miss my family here in Denver I do many times want to come back home but I know I will not be happy here. SO it is what it is. MY sister Mary who I am staying at, does tell us that she is angry at me and Ann for not being close, but we always remind her that Tom is here helping her too. SO I am trying to come as often to help as my sis Mary is a flight attendant, as Boyd comes to Leadville, Colorado to see his daughter every 4 weeks I might start coming to Denver more often to help with our parents and visit family as it would only be an extra 30 minutes drive for him to drop me off in Denver than going the other way to Leadville.
SO we are talking about it. I will have a car here in Denver when I come as my dad and step mom can not drive any more and I can use their car with no problems.
I hope every one has a wonderful day. OFF I go, Beth just called and we are off to Thrifting.
Take Care
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