Time Passages in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • April 9, 2014, 5:54 a.m.
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Children's children are the crown of old men;
and the glory of children are their fathers.
Proverbs 17:6 KJV

Today was an exercise of mid-life crashing into my reality in unexpected yet pleasant ways. After being asked to begin writing a rough list of guests to invite for Ryan's wedding I had phone calls to make. Because Ryan and Jessica want to go home (Upper Peninsula) to have their wedding there is much consideration and discussion how this affects potential guests, elders in the family most of all, understanding an 800 mile trip plus expenses and event time will be hard on them.

Not much to my surprise my mother said she wouldn't go. She has a hard time doing anything except sitting at the Sr. Center all day playing Mahjong. She thought it would be nice to take the kids out for a nice meal and visit near to home. That works.

I called my dad yesterday. He travels extensively with his job, but always by air. Long ago he told me long trips in the car are just too hard on him, so I was clueless about him going up north. This afternoon he called me back, when I asked him if he thought he could make the trip he excitedly replied, "of course I'd go!" Dad is really looking forward to seeing his grandson marry. His enthusiasm moved me in a way I didn't expect nor have I felt since Ryan was born and my dad first held him. That bond of only grandfather/only grandson showed again. I felt a swelling pride thinking of how God blessed me with these two men, my father and my son.

Later tonight I had another call from my dad. Again, his voice was unusually cheerful for a normally cheerful man. He said to me, "I was going to tell you this afternoon, but decided I would wait and call you again tonight." I didn't have much thinking time, still I had momentary wonder and thought somehow my step-mother thwarted the plans for the trip up north. Cynical, I know, but it's kinda how they roll. My dad continued, "I have some news and I wanted you to hear it right away so it didn't just get back to you." I was at a loss for what could be going on. "I've decided to retire. I'll be finished working the end of May!"

You could have knocked me over with a feather I was so surprised.

With all sincerity I congratulated my dad. This is a HUGE deal, you see he retired from his first job 28 years ago after a full career as a school music teacher. He has been a symphony manager, his dream job, all these past years. Just yesterday Ryan and I were commenting it wouldn't surprise us if dad went to the grave still working because he loves what he does so much. But, he has decided he has some other things he wants to do with his time while he still can.

Dad is in great health except for arthritis in his back which complicates his ability to walk well but he keeps up just fine though a bit slower. He's been well blessed to overcome three life-threatening illnesses that had him on his last breaths. God has something special in store for him, yet.

In all my happiness I did a lot of thinking about my dad's many achievements and things I did with him over the years. I discovered the scales were balanced with an unfamiliar sadness in my heart as I considered my dad's plan. I can't put any real words to it, just something in me felt a loss. Perhaps it is because it is an ending to something I thought I'd never witness. I'm really not sure.

Now I better get my sappy, emotional self in order in quick time as to be certain there will be events honoring dad's years of work with the orchestra. Never one to toot his own horn he just quietly goes about making great things happen when they are supposed to. I have no doubts horns will sound during his last performance and I can't be in society with my emotions running amok.

My own immortality has been on my mind frequently the past several months. It started as I was pondering the graces God has rained on me time and again, extended on to coming to terms with the dozens of train wrecks in my life and need to get off the tracks, then it got topped off with all this medical stuff coming to light. So many times I should have been dead, but...

God's grace. Those two words are bigger than any others I know and I've been in the mirror with them nearly full time of late. Knowing how undeserving I am humbles me when I look at the blessings surrounding me.

This afternoon I walked a little over one mile around the park with a neighbor lady. It was a lovely afternoon (!!!!) to be out. I did fairly well, only staggered around a few times, stumbled a couple more, but for a first outing I think I did great. My goal is to walk three times a week until my leg is strong enough to walk longer distances, then hopefully get my pace back, finally by the end of summer be back to three miles a day five days a week. I love walking. Ooooh, I have a new camera coming to make documenting God's little blessings in the world an added adventure along with learning to use the new camera.

Tomorrow I begin my prep for the next round of medical tests, a Colonoscopy and Endoscopy. The test part is easy, recovery not to difficult either, but the prep, well that's just miserable. The up side is with these two tests out of the way everything is done and I just wait for my appointment to get all the results. Doctor said possibly a liver biopsy, too, (truthfully I still don't understand the possibly part, having had at least a dozen over the years) which is not a pleasant test. That one hurts and often does for days of weeks after. Just depends on that needle.

Saturday is the Ladies Tea at church. In years past I haven't gone, unless the river rises I'll be there this year. Going all out for it, too. Because of the change in my weight a lady a church blessed me with some lovely dresses which happen to work together in a mix/match/combine way to fit the vintage/Puritan wear I have been leaning toward recently. A neighbor offered to loan me a hat that color matches, just have to see if it has the right look. Borrowing a beautiful teacup from my mother because I don't own any, I'm a coffee mug kind of girl. I just plan on having fun and seeing how well I can pull off being lady like, tomboy that I am.

Y'all say a prayer for all to go well for me this week if you would please. God will know who you're talking about.


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