Mr. Sociable Spot in New Immigrant
- April 4, 2014, 5:25 a.m.
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- Public
Broad Grin: Spot was the first of the four to have his physical. The vet was so long listening to his heart I grew apprehensive and urgently asked, "Is he okay?" Dr. Havlik smiled and said, "He's purring!" Sweetheart Spot. He rubbed the legs of the vet and her assistant when they walked in and after having his physical and shots he stayed up on the exam table while the three girls were checked.
Surprised Smile: As part of their pet wellness program the physicals and shots were all half price! Whew! There was a scheduling mix-up, though, and Pyewackett and Una won't be spayed until next week.
Concerned Expression: There was an accident on our our road. A truck went off the side and almost to the railroad tracks, as best I could see. It was a work truck of some kind, a ratty sort of contraption, which I fear could be driven by an unseat-belted driver. The ambulance headed out with someone.
Thankful smile: Saw a strong, happy Mary earlier in the week. She had to return for a second stay in the hospital for her pancreatitis but was looking and sounding terrific. Fingers crossed.
Laughter: Tuco just knocked the lamp over hunting for Asian beetles.
Frown: As I reached back to grab it my head began swimming from vertigo, which has become a constant part of my life. I will see the specialist.
Amused Grin: The kittens still enjoy watching the toilet flush and refill. Both were recently leaning on the seat but this time as the water swirled out Tuco dropped her favorite toy from her mouth into the toilet. I was able to catch it. Felt like I had kids!
Relieved Smile: Monday it was 64' and windy. The final patch of perilous ice vanished! I stood disbelieving, and rejoicing. I had done the splits on it a few nights earlier!
Frown: The water heater has finally "hit the dust" for good. Sponge baths and hair washing in the sink will suffice awhile longer.
Growl: The Supreme Court put the final nail in our Democracy's coffin this week. $$$$$ Rules
Proud Smile: My daily exercising continues and I'm increasing my speed.
Exuberance: At last week Democrat's meeting three young staffers
joined us to tell us about 'their' candidates and take questions. My
favorite part of elections are definitely these young people. Two
were from Reno, Nevada. The third was from New York state.
Raji stayed for our business meeting and we ended up having
so much fun talking to him. He is 21, a Bangladeshi immigrant,
and a fine young man. We were pondering, yet again, how to
get high schoolers interested in politics and he shared how his high
school held a mock debate, with students taking on the roles of
the candidates. He said theirs was very successful and stimulated
interest. Fortunately our VP is a teacher and the debate coach
at his school and volunteered to do this next fall. Raji offered to
return to help us if we needed him to.
Raji told us that when he was twelve his Father asked him to read three newspapers a day, later in high school that increased to five. "How did you feel about that?" I asked. " At first I resented it, but my Dad would ask me about what I'd found interesting and we had great discussions. At first all I wanted to talk about was pop culture and he never criticized that. Eventually I became very interested in politics which my Dad and I discussed a lot, so much so that my Mom declared, "No political talk at dinner!" His two older sister's had been required to read the newspapers too.
Raji completed college in three years. Throughout that time he volunteered at a soup kitchen. It was there he met N.Y. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who volunteered on weekends, and it was through that association that he began working in her office and heard about his current position.
I noticed the difference in friend Jean and I on the way home. Our winter weather complaining disappeared and our talk was full of excitement about meeting Raji.
That's probably enough for now.
Thank you for your wonderful notes! Tomorrow I may well be snowed in and intend to write more here.
I'm grateful for all of you and for a stove to heat water!
Carpe Diem!
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