Oral History Project Frustrations in The Daily (2014)

  • April 4, 2014, 3:05 a.m.
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I am feeling really frustrated today.

I am frustrated with my group member for my oral history project. I did three interviews, each an hour in length, and I produced thorough summary transcripts for each (min 6 pages). She did 2 interviews, one was only 30 minutes, and she wrote about a page for each. She has been continually unavailable. She volunteers doing orientation stuff on campus, but it seems to me that if it is getting in the way of meeting a group member for a project for an upper division practicum, and it is getting in the way of completing your work, you need to fucking prioritize. She has continuously tried to push me out of the editing process. She messaged me the other day saying that she was just going to "render the video now" before I had had /any/ say in the final version. I had to chew her out to get her to meet me in a google document, where it turned out that her work had been complete and total shit. I had to write all of the voice-overs because her writing is terrible. I suggested the order for the entire documentary. We then met up the next day, on my insistence, and went through every clip and I suggested a solid order for the entire documentary. It had been left so so late that there was no way that I could go with her to do the final edits, and I would have slowed the process down anyways because I am not experienced editing video (which is why I had originally tried to insist on doing a /podcast/. Like the rest of the class). So, I poured over it with her, I suggested locations to put things and things to cut out. She told me it would take her no time to "polish it off".

Today we presented in class and it was the first opportunity I had to see the "completed" video. It was /rough/. I wouldn't say she "polished" anything. The transitions between clips were abrupt, the music started and stopped abruptly, the sound was uneven and hard to hear it parts and deafeningly loud in others. AND she cut out parts that I wanted and put other parts in awkward places that we hadn't agreed on. It was an embarrassing mess. So, she has been reassuring me all semester about how "easy" a video project would be, she insists repeatedly that it would be "easier" for her to edit on her own because she has experience, refuses to find time for us to work on it together, and then produces complete unpolished garbage? I am /beyond/ frustrated at this point.

It wasn't all bad I /guess/. The voiceovers I wrote were great and I did a good job of fielding questions about the project. My professor for my Gendering Environment class was there because she works with a non-profit that another group worked with and she was one of the narrators for their project. Her and the other woman from that organization were very active in asking questions and Tiffany (my other professor) asked what else we planned to do with the work. I explained that we were going to be polishing off the longer documentary as well as producing a few shorter videos for the societies to use for event promotion and volunteer recruitment after the end of the semester. During the break, Tiffany approached me and really enthusiastically started talking to me about the burgeoning literature around queer suburban identity and seemed really excited about our project. She has done some related oral history work with regards to Lethbridge, Alberta, where she used to live. She said she would talk to me about it on Monday (when I have class with her), but she seems like she wants to work with me to expand the project in some way, possible working on something together. Which would be awesome.

Mercurial Muse April 04, 2014

Don't suppose there is an option during a reflection to explain to your professor the issues in working with the project? At least it's over.

softea Mercurial Muse ⋅ April 04, 2014

Oh, there is a reflection. And I will be reflecting.

theocean. softea ⋅ April 05, 2014

^ That was what I was thinking too, and I'm so glad you will be reflecting.

theocean. April 05, 2014

Oh God, I can envision the exact sort of person with the motivation to do a bunch of extracurricular activities at the expense of academics. I'm all for being involved, but damn, with the costs of an education, it makes no sense to not prioritize it when needed, even if that means just slowing down in the final month or so of the semester.

softea theocean. ⋅ April 05, 2014

Yeah, I am like 99% certain her parents are paying for her education and at very least lives at home. She has told me before her only expense Is gas. so I have a feeling the cost of her education isnt as much of a motivating factor for her as it is for me :/

Nomad of the North April 06, 2014

I hate groups projects...they are always more trouble than they are worth. I would definitely prefer to do it all myself than end up with garbage. On the bright side, it got people excited, so you may be being more critical than you need to be.

sassafras April 07, 2014

*Sigh. I hate groupwork. Yeah, it's like...real life workplace situations yada yada. But come on. So over it.

Miso Honey April 08, 2014

Geez, group projects are the worst. I always had a hard time with them.

ScruffyPete April 14, 2014

I kinda like the job. It just feels like I'm stuck in a bit of a dead end.

Oh dear! When I was at uni I had to make a flash video with this woman that wanted to work for the BBC. I'm terrible at flash stuff so I made the worst partner ever and she got so pissed off at me. I did try but I was useless lol. So I know how difficult those projects can be.

softea ScruffyPete ⋅ April 14, 2014

haha, yep, I was so totally useless at video editing as well. But, I only went with it because she reassured me she was capable! I guess out standards were /not/ the same. So annoying.

Yeah, I get the dead end feeling. But hopefully it is something that'll help pad the resume?

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