Just Do It in Current Events
- July 1, 2020, 1:20 a.m.
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My anxiety spiked yesterday. However, in the second chapter of Jordan Peterson’s book 12 Rules for Life he made me understand how I am creating it through positive feedback loops. Every time that I back out of something I train my mind to become afraid of it. I have a list of things that I am avoiding so I am well aware of how I can fix this. Just do it! Don’t let your dreams be dreams! Yesterday you said tomorrow! Do it! - Shia
I got up early to go for a run. It’s supposed to climb to 41c today. I knew it was going to be a gamble for my lungs because I can smell the ash and smoke and cinder in the air. I’m not sure where the world is burning but I shouldn’t have gone for that run. I’ll be okay. I finally have my arm back but I don’t want to push myself to workout hard today so I’m just going to do a leg day.
I am becoming a little addicted to social media but I have nothing better to do. I’ll find balance again. I got another DM from somebody that used to follow my old account. He’s also gay but is afraid to share his political opinions because of the online Woke Taliban. I feel like a political opinion surrogate. My mother texted me that she is concerned about me not getting hired because of my posts. I assumed that I have the same rights as liberals. If I do get fired it will be because the company is scared of the Woke Taliban, not of me. As more conservatives are getting banned from Twitter I decided to join Parler. Boom! Milo is there. Katie Hopkins is there! All of the pundits and journalists that I like are there! Not holding back. Not spreading hate speech. I laughed so hard because the first post I saw was Lauren Chen “Jessica Yaniv is a man dressing as a woman to prey on young girls! Wow! It feels so good to finally say that.” I mean, that situation itself is not funny but just her relief to be allowed to say it. It’s transphobic to talk about Jessica Yaniv as an opportunist/predator. She is suing gynecologists now for refusing her service on her penis and so many girls came forward with receipts of Jessica asking them about their periods. This is the kind of hate speech that keeps getting censored.
Alright, time to move on with my day.
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