Prayful Day in Meeting Mr. Jesus Christ

  • April 1, 2014, 10:01 p.m.
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Today was one of those days that I felt challenged at every turn. Of course I had intentions of accomplishing some tasks in need of attention, the good Lord found other work for me. Answering His call must come first.

Bit by bit I set my plans for the day aside for Friday because tomorrow I'll be at the church to help prepare and close up for a funeral luncheon. Once done with that I'll pretty much be drained for the rest of the day. My body just isn't up for the long haul at this point. Thursday I go for my ultrasounds and due to the time schedule, again, another day will be fairly used up.

A while back I was asked to work the phone end of the church prayer chain and accepted. What I didn't realize was I would end up feeling compelled to pray for those that I make calls on behalf of, and it's only right that I do. It's just another one of those things that didn't dawn on me initially. Lately there has been a lot of additional prayers called for during the week on top of the long list we gather on Sunday. Though at times staying focused in prayer challenges me, I feel a warmth in putting my heart out for those I don't necessarily know.

During the afternoon a couple of phone calls from friends far away reminded me of the one thing I avoid thinking about much lately, that being how far away I am from my close friends. There is a circle of thinking there that confuses me. I want to be in touch with them but when I am I miss them so much my heart breaks to the point I feel loneliness. Truth is I seek to avoid that at almost any cost. Just being honest here. Right at this time feeling lonely is my greatest weakness.

Long ago a friend was having trouble putting feelings of sadness out for others to read, not wanting to bring folks down and such. I was reminded of that when I realized my not saying what I feel is a way of being dishonest with myself. I'm weak, just like any other person. Trying to be wonder woman strong all the time will take me down, I know that for certain. I don't have a lot of capacity for handling things on my own at this point in my life. That said, I devoted a good chunk of time today taking my own struggles to God knowing He promises to lighten my burden if I only ask.

Early night for me, early morning to be up for. I've decided to give another shot at turning my schedule around and find my way back to being up early in the morning, early to bed. With warm weather (surely) approaching I love being up before dawn to enjoy God's wonders as a new day begins. If I manage this shift change thing I'll change my name to Ben Franklin. :)

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