Got Derailed! in Healthy Bites

  • March 31, 2014, 8:38 a.m.
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Alright, alright... One aspect about recording your health journey is that you have to be completely honest and accountable for why you get off track if you want to continue making progress.

Last week, I completely let myself go and got derailed. Yes, I will use the weather as an excuse and being quite busy with tasks at work.

See, I started using my lunch hour as a fall back when I cannot get any exercise or may not have the energy to get up in the morning to exercise. It has been a struggle to get up at 4:30 a.m. to work out. I may need to just suck it up and work out when I get home as well. Past success reveals to me that I was in great shape when I did workouts late afternoon. I also have to look at it this way….

Most of the workouts I do are 30 minutes no more than 50 minutes. If I want to keep eating whatever I want, I am going to have to suck it up…put my shit up quick, put my workout clothes on, and hit that Jillian. Or I am never going to get back into a good exercise routine.

One reason my fallback lunch hour exercise doesn’t work is because sometimes I don’t bring my lunch or have no leftovers to bring with me. Last week, it was raining 75% of the time outside. So, I could not go out and do my reading and walking. Today, I had planned on doing it, but the $2.99 salad I got from K-orger was really, really bad. The lettuce was slimy, the cheese started sweating, and come to find out, when I opened it easily, it was not sealed. I cannot get sick again because I took a twelve hour week two weeks ago when I was.

So, I through that sale salad in the trash, and I will have to go and get me something cheap. Probably a burger and fries because it’s the cheapest lunch I can afford. However, I am going to walk to the T Center instead of riding the bus down there. I can get some good reading time in doing that as well.

As for a healthy weekend, the mighty has fallen. I was partying…sleeping in, reading in, and drinking in. Sam Adam’s cream stout is one of my favorite stout…and on average had 3.5 beers on Saturday and Sunday. Usually, I don’t drink beer like that. I have two each day. Yet, I was tired of being good or whatever…I am like fuck it, I am going to have me a little fun and not continuously worry about shit.

Considering my partying ways, I feel pretty good. I thought that I would be dried out as hell and have a headache. I was smart and drunk water while I was drinking as well.

Anyway, it is time to get back on the healthy line again and tow my weight.

Regards, SMF

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