2 months 23 days post op in Pudendal Decompression Surgery

  • June 5, 2020, 4:21 a.m.
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  • Public

Good things
1) Physical therapy
2) Digestive & Bladder pain mostly at bay
3) Walked to mailbox
4) Made more progress with stuff that I needed done, or a plan for stuff to get done.
5) My mom got me all new bed sheets! In a pretty good mood today.

Bad things
1) The stinging pain has been kind of intense and weird
2) The allodynia has been annoying in the butt and vulvar area.
3) Sort of nervous about “what’s coming next” in the rhelm of pain presentation.
4) Still challenges ahead of me in the way of money on my end.
5) Unsure about diet and what/ how/ when to eat.

COVID 19 roars on
Virus damage report: 1,910,000 total confirmed in the USA, deaths: 110,000
ILLINOIS: 124,759 total confirmed and deaths: 5,736

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