Harassment Warning in Notes For My "Kill" List
- Sept. 13, 2013, 12:49 a.m.
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For those of you hassling the diarist known as "KEVIN IS BACK", please know that he is doing good in MY name and I WILL NOT TOLERATE any -- ANY -- disparaging remarks or actions taken or thought to be taken against this gentleman. As a reminder, disparaging remarks or actions against "Kevin Is Back" is a GROSS violation of Open Diary Terms Of Service; those of you proven to be in violation of such terms will be handed over to EWS, who will drive his elbow into the tops of your skulls while Carl Douglas' "Kung Fu Fighting" is blasted into your ears from my dad's hi-fi system's headphone hookup. You may also be suspended from your accounts indefinitely. All evidence of your existence on earth will be wiped from the Internet using my superior computering skills ("SKILLZ", as the kids are fond of saying, these days. After I'm done with the current chapters I'm reading in "The Internet For Dummies" and "Advanced HTML", that last one being by Walter M. Davis. He's good. He's got a WONDERFUL diagram in here about how to perform a line break on a GeoCities page), and I will put you on several junk mailing lists and fill out some of those military recruiter's information cards found hanging up at the post office.
Remember: the TOS has been set in place for the benefit of ALL, so that ALL OF US (especially ME) may enjoy the use of Open Diary with as little need for my being here as possible. Respect others so that others may, if they elect to, do right unto you. THIS is the motto I wish for Open Diary. For those of you who've purchased a "Lifetime" membership.
I feel I've interacted with you good folks too much this morning, already, so I will leave you until I next feel a need to interrupt your lives at my convenience, most-likely to remove some entry of yours that offends my sensibilities or to let you in on some matter of my life only the most pathetic of you may care about. Thank you for your time.
The DiaryMaster has spoken.
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