well fuk. evan memories. in 2007: March 1: transferred fom FOD

  • May 7, 2020, 2:55 a.m.
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so. i had an entire entry typed up about. my wk. the past wk. but then. when i went to save it...........pb went to the log in pg. so. and i don’t like repeating myself.
um. i’ve calmed down a bit since mon. in that. i’m not calling random numbers as much..........i have so many questions about when things happened back in spring of 2013. like when did this event happen when did that event happen? kindof thing. like did this event happen after, the other one or...........?
i mean idinno. i miss evan. yeah when i talked to lee this guy i know from hs about it on fb he went ‘well i’m sorry but it doesn’t sound like you miss him’ well i’m sorry but i don’t think i asked. your opinion. and. we’re done. like wow ok.
like i know.........at some point after may 3rd. i was sitting. on a bench presumably by the. nat’l colorado history museum on 12th. and i called evan bc i wasn’t sure where i was...........and he came and got me and we went to his place. but i didn’t pay much attention..............but like i don’t remember. exactly what that was. or, when did we go to the store? i don’t remember us actually being in. the store but i know we sat outside by the starbucks at the king soopers on cap hill. cause that was his neighborhood............i must’ve stayed the night at his place at least once............cause i remember it being dark when we were listening to that music tv station............the song ‘leavin on a jet plane’ played. and i indirectly asked him to change it cause that song reminded me too much of Pat, at the time.
no wait. maybe i did. stay the night at his place the night of the. um 4th cause. i asked him for a notebook. he brought me a legal pad to write in which. i think would’ve been fine. right...........cause i wrote about. the night before. i wrote when he made me eggs..........and for some reason i remember them being pink.............and at some point that day he left me alone in his apt. which i think was fine while he went to the store. which wasn’t that far away. and he got me. this strawberry milk stuff w/ vitamins. in it. and he gave me a pill or maybe it was a vitamin. and he.........he’d crushed it up into.............was it milk? i don’t remember exactly.
so many memories. lately. it seems like i remember everything. about that time. and then there was that night we went walking and it was raining............it was romantic. the day he found his light[er] in the park by my place the day after he’d lost. it there...........
somebody i don’t really know just gave me somethin. to help settle me down and to stop me from always thinkin about. you - frank turner, recovery.

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